The Wedding

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"That doesn't have the same power cause if you're fisting a  vat of tartar sauce that's on you, but if you're elbow deep on an Oreo milkshake that's on me."

~Hellen Keller, on her deathbed. They didn't have a water pump so she somehow fucking spoke...

Dan's POV:

Two years in the making,  Arin and I were finally ready to get married. May 23rd 2015, two years of being together, the echoes of the past have still found their way into the cracks of our psyches; but when I hold him in my arms after doing another episode of Game Grumps, I allow myself to feel the happiness I had wanted in life- I let myself sink into his arms and let myself relax. 

Looking into the cheap mirror we have at home,  I almost see her behind me- Samara. Minerva had sought her out, she did everything right but she was just gone; her entire being erased by her own hands in the span of a few hours. I run my hands through cold water, and wash my face with slow and gentle emotions. When I look in the mirror again, she's not there. And I let myself breathe.

I feel familiar arms wrap around my waist, and the comforting presence of Arins head on my back. I place my hand on his. 

"Isn't bad luck to look at your spouse on the day of the wedding?" I tease. 

"Well, good thing my eyes are closed then." 

"Hmmm," I hum, "alright, but you're on thin ice, Hanson." I squeeze his hand, and I can feel his breath hitch. And I turn to face him, closing my eyes tightly too. I press my lips to his forehead. 

"Don't temp me, Danny." He laughs, voice full of love.  "I will smooch you, I swear." 

"You won't, PUSSY." I say chuckling.

"Watch me lil' bitch boy." He says giggling before planting his lips on mine. My eyes widen.

"You're very cute thinking you're in charge Hanson." I coo petting him softly and his cheeks heat up as he looks away taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Mhm, that's what I thought," I say and he giggles.

"We need to get ready babe." He whines and I chuckle.

"Yeah? And?" I say and I watch him squirm and roll his eyes.

"You know exactly what you're doing, stop teasing." He whines and I eye him up and down.

"What did I say about ordering me around kitten?" I say taking a step closer and his breathing quickens. "Once again, I am the one in charge. Don't make me have to show you your place." I say and he looks at the floor but I can see a huge smile on his face. "Any more objections?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Good boy." I purr and run a hand through his hair tugging slightly making him gasp. 

"Alright, sweetie let's go get ready." I say my tone switching from dominant to sweet in an instant. I watch frustration take over Arins face and I go crazy. I love teasing him. "What's wrong love?" I ask and he huffs.

"You fucking tease." He grumbles and I grab his wrists slamming him against the wall quickly.

"Watch your language kitten. Don't use that kind of language with me." I say and he squirms beneath me. I immediately connect my lips with his neck, sucking and biting. He lets out a soft moan and I immediately stop, making him whimper. "Now, be a good boy and wait for tonight. It'll make our first time as husbands, that much better."

He opens his mouth and argue and quickly stops. "Now lets go get ready, we get married in a few hours." I say and he nods slowly, recatching his breath. 


I'm standing at the altar and my heart is beating so fucking fast. I look around at the room full of people that have made my life what it is today. In the back I see two girls who I don't think I recognize smiling and maybe crying. I assume they are just family of Arin's as the maid of honor, Minerva, and best man, Emily, make their way down the isle. Then Amy and Emily follow taking their place as Arin's other bridesmaids. Bryan and Barry walking to my side as my groomsman. I can not tell you how angry they were ot find out that Emily was my Groomsman, but honestly the girl saved me and Arin from some major jail time, I had to thank her somehow, also Emily has bigger dick energy than Bryan and Barry combined, let's be honest. 

Then here comes the bride begins to play and I see him, the love of my live grinning ear to ear as he makes his way towards me. He is wearing a suit to match mine, much to his dissapointment mind you, he really wanted to wear a dress but my whole family is here and this was already so much for them to accept. I feel tears begin to sting at my eyes. He makes it to the altar and I take his hands in mine. His eyes meet mine and the dam inside me broke. We both start sobbing and several people in the audience do as well. Including the two girls in the back. 

I tune out Tucker who insisted on getting ordaned and doing the ceromony himself. He goes on and on before getting to the good stuff. "Do you Arin Hanson, take Daniel Avidan to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" He says and through the cutest ugly cries, Arin manages an "I do." Then Tucker turns to me.

"Do you, Daniel Avidan, take Arin Hanson to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" I smile at my soulmate and grip his hands tighter. 

"I do." I say and Tucker grins. 

"I now declare you husband and husband, you may now kiss your husband." He says and I pull Arin in quickly and connect our lips. Everyone cheers and we pull away smiling to each other.

The reception goes off without a hitch and soon enough we find ourselves in our booth at Steak and Shake, still in our suits. I take his hands in mine as we drink our milkshakes. 

"I can't believe we're married now." I say and  run my thumb over his hand. I hear the door open and the two girls from before come in with Minerva and Emily. They spot us and come over pushing us so they all fit. Us ending up with Arin, Emily, and I on one side and the other three girls on the other.

"Hi?" I say uncertainly because of the strangers. Minerva grins and glances at the girls.

"Hey guys, I really hope you don't mind but since both me and Emily we're invited we both brought a plus one." She says and I look at her confused.

"I mean thats fine, but who are you guys if you don't mind me asking." I say and I feel Arin shift uncomfortably beside me.

"Who we are isn't all that important." One of them says and Minerva nods. "You can call me Mothman and this is my partner Burgandy Sauce." She says and I chuckle loudly.

"I can call you what?" I ask and the girls smile to each other. 

"You can call us whatever you want really, we won't be here much longer. We just came to say goodbye. It was a wonderful service, and we both really loved seeing you two grow. We just wanted to tell you a few things. You guys can finally breathe again, we have a strong suspicion the endless tourtor has come to an end. Have an amazing life, and please for the love of god, don't. fuck. it. up. Goodbye Arin, goodbye Daniel"

-The End

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