Empty Corridors

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"fact: babies are idiot leeches and don't fucking pay taxes"

-Princess Diana moments before 12 year old John Mulaney killed her.

Arin's POV

As we stepped into the threshold of my house, I fumble with the keys. Dan runs his fingers up and down my spine absentmindedly as I finally get the door unlocked. I hadn't been home in weeks, I have spent literally all my time at the hospital with Dan since he woke up and haven't felt the need to leave.

As we stepped in, almost everything was gone. I panicked as I searched the house frantically. Had we been robbed? Finally, I found a note sitting on the counter.

"Hey Arin, I came back to take all the rest of my stuff. I'm sorry that that includes the furniture we bought together. I left all of the stuff you have previously, but I figured you'd want to start new anyway, and I needed furniture for my new place. We can discuss it Saturday if it's that big a deal. -Suzie." As I read it I sighed. Damn it, Suzie.

"It's okay Dan, we weren't robbed," I yell across the house. "Well, not by a stranger at least," I mutter under my breath. He jogs in and reads the note to himself and rolls his eyes.

"I stole her husband so she stole your furniture, fair trade I guess." He says and slings his arm around me. "Jokes on her, I wouldn't trade you for a love seat any day." I smile as he plants his lips on mine.

"Guess a trip to Ikea is in the near future huh?" I say and he nods.

"Why not now? I'd love some meatballs." He says grabbing my hand.

"I've got some meatballs for you," I whisper and he laughs.

"Oh shut up Arin, we don't even have a bed to do it on let's go buy some furniture." He says pulling me toward the door. I giggle as a grin stays cemented on his face.

"Oh, you know you love me," I say he stops pulling me to him.

"Damn straight." He mutters before connecting our lips. The kiss deepens as he plants one hand on my hip to pull me in and the other tangled in my hair. We stay like this for a couple of minutes, our bodies and tongues intertwined in the empty corridor of the house we now share. I pull away, my lips still hovering inches from his. A smile spreads across both our faces as we stare at each other.

"So furniture?" I ask breaking the silence and he nods kissing my forehead one last time before looping his hand in mine and walking out the door. I lock it behind us and we make our way to Ikea.


After spending hours trying to decide on a furniture suit, we finally found a black leather sectional with a matching love seat. We picked out a coffee table and end tables to match and then some other furniture for around the house, like a bed frame with a mattress and boxspring. After spending thousands of dollars on furniture and meatballs we were ready to leave. They had to ship everything to us because it was such a big order so we just took the mattress so we had a place to sleep.

We went to a few other stores for a couple of essentials and finally, we were home. We had Steak and Shake for dinner and were now just laying on our mattress watching youtube on my phone. He was behind me as the big spoon as I laid with my body pressed against his with my phone propped up in front of us. His hand traced circles on my thigh as we watched and I sighed contentedly. We may not have much but we have each other.

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