Questioning Friendship's

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"It's exhausting to be a gay"

~Alexander Hamilton

Dan's POV

Arin has moved to overlook my shoulder, I can feel his breathing on the nape of my neck. It's warm, but not too much so. I feel comfortable like this.

"Okay, so Link gets done jackin ' it to Zeldas dad's nose, Zelda isn't done but we don't care about her. But, Link doesn't interrupt her, instead, he goes to the King- Xx_eatthatpussy_445xX," I let out a chuckle at the nickname, "and like, low-key they do be flirting." Arin paused briefly, his gaze seemed distance.

"Link and the king, they're really good friends- make sure you put in the 'fuck-your-father' crab- but like the two of them are just really comfortable around each other. Like best friends even, but there's obviously something between them," he chuckles awkwardly, "sorry that's a bit random." He was avoiding eye contact, he does that when he's nervous.

He's being a bit weird, but he's always been a lil' weird. But this... it seems oddly specific.

But it's probably just me...

"what next?" I questioned, cocking my head in question.

Arin cleared throat, "they kinda realize that they like each other, but Link is in love Zelda? But what they have is too big to ignore, they both know it- Link more than the King-  they really want to be together. More than best friends, more than colleagues, more than gru-." Arin cut himself off, backing up. He looked sick, like a deer in headlights.

More than grump and not so grump. That's whats he wanted to say.

That is what he wanted to say?

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