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''Why aren't you talking with Jungkook nowadays? You guys good?'' Jin asked as he placed the dishes in the dishwasher. Taehyung mindlessly spread the small water droplet on the counter, trying to shape a bunny. 

''I don't know, maybe he is busy?..'' Taehyung spoke with an inexpressive voice, trying to mask his anger and curiosity. Jin just hummed in response and continued doing his work. 

One week. One week the ravenette hadn't contacted him and Taehyung was slowly turning insane. He tried calling Jungkook for three days after their rumpy pumpy act, but the call just went on voice mail. Jimin was slowly getting suspicious about Taehyung's aggravate behaviour but he never asked the blond anything. Jungkook never called, never messaged, never visited him at the university. It was like he had vanished, vanished from his life. Not that he had a  crush or something, but they had to clear up certain things. And the ravenette had just turned his back.

Mafia? better to be called a goddamn pussy... Taehyung scoffed as he got up from the counter and ushered to the living room, grabbing his car keys.

''Hyung, I'm going at Jimin house, see ya later.'' Taehyung quietly walked out of the kitchen, his shoulder slumped and head hanging a bit low. And Jin did not fail to notice the gloomy vibe which his brother was emitting.

''He will tell me everything. Soon.''

''Hey Taehyung! what brings you here?'' Jackson moved aside to let Taehyung inside his small apartment. Taehyung just removed his shoes and strode towards the small couch in his living room. He then patted the side next to him on the couch, indicating him to sit beside the blond.

''Tell me Jackson..'' Taehyung inhaled and let out an exasperated sigh. Jackson visibly tensed beside him as he continuously squirmed in his seat. ''What do you know about BigB?'' 

''I already helped you a lot telling the information, which I shouldn't enclose.'' Jackson deadpanned his eyes trained on the other male, but Taehyung just looked at him blankly. 

''Okay...tell me about Jungkook. please?'' Taehyung asked, his voice conveying a silent plead. Jackson furrowed his eyebrows as he folded his muscular arms over his chest as he observed a grim Taehyung with his pleading caramel eyes. Jackson was violating the rules which he had swore to not break. And even though he knew the consequences he wanted to help out his friend. Just a little bit.

''I will not answer the deep questions.''  Jackson fully turned over to Taehyung to look him right in his eyes. Taehyung nodded his head softly and mumbled a small Thank You.

''What is Jungkook like?'' 

Jackson chuckled, remembering the brotherly days they had spent in the gym and on various field missions. 

''Cold, kind of psychopath, sometimes gets bratty as fuck...and...yeah'' Jackson made sure not to tell about the blood crap, because only the trusted people knew about it and Taehyung would surely freak the fuck out. He knew  Taehyung was getting exasperated because there were no other superficial questions to ask, and not in any fucking way, Jackson was gonna spill any classified info, which would lead him to his death.   

''Please I-'' Taehyung 's words were abruptly interrupted by the annoying buzzer like doorbell and a deep 'Babe I'm home!'. 

''Hey, love I missed-'' The buff man's gaze zeroed on the blond who stared at him with his eyebrows raised. The unknown male's face was blank, as he stared back at Jackson with an empty gaze. 

''Just a friend. Don't worry love.'' Jackson smirked as he got up to hug his lover. Jackson whispered something in his ear which made a scowl creep the other man's face. He roughly grabbed Jackson's jaw and placed a loud smacking kiss on his lips and then his gaze turned towards a stunned Taehyung who sat there shifting uncomfortably in his seat. 

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