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Jin continued his handiwork with the frosting on the mocha cake with one hand as he wiped the thin sheen of sweat forming on his forehead with a tissue. He had wanted to take his day off because of taehyung who had returned home drunk and mumbling about some muscle man, and leaving Jin in confused-worrisome state. Taehyung had woke up with a ton of hangover and mild fever, which just added more to Jin's worries. Also he wanted to chill in his room with multiple flavoured candies and watch netflix He had to come today to serve for some important business conference, and also because his manager was a dog for money.

''Coffee Cake with Mocha Frosting, is ready to serve!'' Jin spoke through the kitchen intercom to inform the server. Finally, this was the last dish which was to be served in the conference which was going on. And him being the professional head chef, had to take over to flaunt his skills. ''Great job Jin! they seem totally impressed!'' his manager beamed out, as he licked the remaining frosting in the bowl. ''They had to be sir'' jin smirked as he washed his hands. Suddenly a man dressed in suit barged inside, his gaze fixated on Jin. And Jin being a total sass, shot his words out. '' I know I'm handsome, but that's kinda creeping me out. Do you have something to say sir?'' Jin said as he flashed his charming smile, eyes crinkling, to add up to his beauty.

The man's ears turned red as he looked down to hide the subtle blush on his cheeks. ''Mr. Kim wants to meet and thank the chefs who served us the dishes.'' With this, the man quickly turned on his heel and walked out of the kitchen door. ''okay, manager, please call Sungjae and Minyung, I want to wrap this up quickly.''Jin said as he strapped his Rolex on his wrist and adjusted his white toque. He quickly sent a text to Taehyung that he will reach home, in an hour and to drink hot water continuously.

Soon the other two chefs arrived and they walked out of the kitchen briskly their hands locked in front. ''Sir these are our best chefs, they served the dishes for you today!'' Their manager gushed. Jin rolled his eyes as he mentally laughed and cursed at his manager. A group of 7 people got up from their seats and made their way towards the chefs, but Jin's eyes were focused only on 'that' particular man. the man who emitted the most dominating aura, with sharp jawline, fit build, his dark dragon eyes and perfectly styled hair. ''Your dishes, were indeed the best, thankyou for serving us today.'' The dangerous man said with a smile, his dimples making him look less scary. Jin, was almost breathing heavily, when the man's dragon eyes stared right back at him, but covered it by showing his bright smile.

How was Jin supposed to stay calm, when a man whose whole personality screamed CRIME, was standing right in front of him, his large hand held out for a handshake?

Jin's manager had happily skipped away with other six men for the payment, The other chefs had taken their cue, when Namjoon stared at them, and now it was only him and the Dark sexy man and his bodyguard who had creeped out Jin before by barging into the kitchen.

''Yugyeom, you can go and bid them goodbyes. Please wait for me in the car.'' Namjoon said sternly his deep voice resonating in Jin's ears, sending light vibration through his body. Namjoon's eyes were locked with Jin's. ''You don't mind a handshake, do you?'' Namjoon asked as he quickly glanced at his own hand. Jin just nodded, trying to mask his awkwardness, by an awkward chuckle. ''N-no..I'm sorry, I'm Kim Seokjin, Head chef of Jungsik's'' Namjoon smiled his signature smile as he enveloped Jin's soft hand in his calloused and large one.

''well Mr Jin, thank you for your perfect service for today, i really enjoyed it.'' Usually Jin would just sass out and make the person shut his mouth, but this time, he was getting interrupted, by the internal flips his heart was performing.

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