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''Hyung who were you talking to?'' Jungkook asked as he placed the glasses on the counter. The elder had left two hours ago. Namjoon would never call anyone, except his brothers and his personal assistant. And talking for two long hours? never....

''Someone'' Namjoon said as he opened the refrigerator and took out a tub of Baskin Robbins Ice Cream. Jungkook quickly huddled towards him to check out the flavour and to his delight, it was indeed Banana Caramel. Jungkook smiled towards his Hyung as he began his questionnaire.

''Mind to tell me who this 'someone' is, hm?'' Jungkook asked as he grabbed two spoons for both of them. Namjoon stared at him, his face void of any emotion. He silently took the spoon from Jungkook's hand and walked towards their mini backyard. ''One of my favourite Hyung ignoring me! I can't...I TOTALLY-''

''Yah come into the backyard!' Namjoon's voice, made Jungkook stop his dramatics. He quickly skipped his way out, finding namjoon already eating the ice cream. ''Hyung, are you a monster or something! you finished almost finished the half of the tub!'' Jungkook whined, as he snatched the tub from Namjoon's tub and sat beside him on the wooden bench. ''Kook, I only took two bites..'' Namjoon said in an understanding tone, as he scooped a spoonful for him.

''Now tell me about this 'someone'..'' Jungkook asked as he hummed in delight, making a small satisfied sound at the taste of the caramel. ''I met him today at Jungsik's. I had a conference there with the CEO of Park enterprises and, he was the head chef, who was serving us the dishes, and the food was just delightful'' Jungkook took a bite, humming again. His eyes never left Namjoon's smiling face, who had his eyes cast down to the ground as he remembered more about the handsome male in the restaurant.

''The moment my eyes met his, I had this electrifying chill running down my spine. He seemed so smart and nice. His chef uniform made him ten times more handsome, as he stared at me with those blown out eyes and full lips, damn... I can't stop imagining..'' Namjoon let out a soft chuckle as he lifted his head to see a shocked ravenette, his mouth open and a bit of ice cream trying to escape from the corner of his mouth.

''Your mouth looks like your butthole, shut it!'' Namjoon joked as the ravenette let out an amused laugh. '' Looks like you are a prey to 'Love at first sight'' Jungkook, set the tub aside and and looked at Namjoon, a sly glint which twinkled in the ravenette's eyes immediately alarmed the elder. ''Hyung is in love...'' Jungkook singsonged as he slowly got up. Namjoon knew where the ravenette was gonna run off, so he quickly tried to catch the ravenette's elbow, but failed miserably and broke the beautiful earthen pot which was placed behind the shelf.

Hobi was gonna break everyone, after finding his dear pot dead.

''Look Kook, it's not-'' the ravenette had already took off, screaming, 'hyung is in love' all the way towards the other two brothers who were playing with their precious dog Holly. ''What the fuck, is wrong with you Holly almost fainted because of you!'' Yoongi scolded as he held the little pup close. Hobi just glanced between them, his gaze finally falling on the poor Namjoon who was huffing.

''I would have shot you guys until now, with my Ruger Blackhawk..'' Yoongi grumbled as he placed now half asleep Holly, on its fluffy bed and locked the cage. Namjoon warningly looked at Jungkook, as he shaked his head sideways, But Jungkook just shrugged off and quickly blurted out his words.

''Hyung is in love.'' He smiled cheekily, showing his bunny teeth and looked over at Namjoon, who rubbed the back of his neck.

''Details!'' both Hoseok and Yoongi blurted out. Namjoon facepalmed as shook his head, regretting his decision. He sat on the comfy couch between his brothers and started his 'Love at first sight story.'

After 30 short minutes, Hoseok broke the amusing silence. ''Yah Namjoona, you told us everything but not the guy's name.'' Hoseok questioned as he rested his chin on his knees. Yoongi was about to doze off, and Jungkook was in the kitchen, maybe searching for more banana milk cartons.

''Kim Seok Jin'' Namjoon sighed as he saw Hoseok's eyes widen in surprise, yoongi waking up from his dozing off session and Jungkook shouting 'I didn't hear the name' from the kitchen. ''Isn't he know for his best cooking skills and looks? Wah daebak! Namjoonaa!!'' Hoseok slapped Namjoon's back and got up to walk towards the backyard, Namjoon was gonna stop him, but a hand slammed him right oh his neck as he groaned out in pain. '' Does your handsome Kim Seok Jin has a sister? hook me up with her...'' Jungkook smiled cheekily and then cried out in pain, when Namjoon held him by his ear. ''You brat! i'm not gonna leave yo-''

They were cut off by a loud cry. ''My pot!!'' Hoseok screamed as harsh stomping was heard, slowly creeping out the two boys who stood there frozen.

Like I said, never piss off Hobi, like NEVER EVER!

''Jimina, what happened at the lounge when I passed out?'' Taehyung and Jimin were sitting at a fastfood restaurant after their University , munching on their cheeseburgers and fries. As soon as Taehyung asked this question, Jimin smirked and took a huge bite of his burger. ''you...''

''First eat, and then talk.'' Taehyung slurped on his coke and rested hands on the table. Jimin gulped his chewed food as tried to hide his smirk. ''Why are you grinning so much?''

''Okay so basically...'' Jimin started as he grinned again. ''Basically...?'' Taehyung asked his eyes wide and lips slightly parted.

''You kissed.''

Taehyung grunted as he slumped back in his seat. Just a damn kiss! he has done more than that so many times! He loved Jimin so much, but right now, he just wanted to curl his hands around the other's throat and shake him to knock in some sense.

''Then why the fuck are you so damn giggly!'' Taehyung asked, his expression bored. He honestly was still truly exhausted from the last hangover and his head hurt a bit. ''Jimin, stop smiling and tell me what happened..'' Taehyung spat, the other's angelic smirk, annoying him to infinity. ''You kissed a guy, Tae'' Jimin spoke, raising his hands in a understanding way.

''I kissed a guy?'' Taehyung asked his eyes wide. Well, when he and Jimin were in high school, some senior had tried to kiss him during some party and Taehyung being extremely drunk, and just obliged and kissed him, so kissing boys was not that bad, but Taehyung still prefered boobs and pussy.

''No not only that...he also paid for your drinks, because you were way too drunk. But damn, the guy was smoking hot, kinda looked like a dominating daddy'' Jimin said as he stuffed some fries in his mouth. ''And you have..have to pay him back.'' Taehyung groaned as he was getting frustrated of himself. He almost swore himself not to drink, but he just let it slide, since he was young and free.

Well, at least the guy was hot...he thought as some mindless profanities slipped out, from his plump lips.

Jimin fished out a small black card from his pockets and handed it to Taehyung. ''This is his number, call him and sort out your problem.''

Jimin was busy scrolling through his phone and Taehyung had zoned out. He mindlessly traced some patterns on the card as he stared at his half eaten burger. He then lifted the card at his eye level to take a nice look.

Taehyung just stared at the white skull on the pitch black card. 'Jeon' was printed in bold gold letters right below the skull. His heart thumped with an unknown feeling, lowkey feeling that he had fucked up somewhere.

''Well thanks chim...''

I'm sorry for such a boring chapter and updating so late
Well I was kind of busy today.
Anyways the coming chapters are gonna spice up a bit🌶
So, stay tuned👍
Stay gold, stay safe
Love y'all :)

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