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''Where is Jungkook?'' Namjoon asked, bringing two trays with breakfast.Yoongi just sat there staring at the food, his expressions bothersome.

''You look down, everything alright?'' Namjoon asked softly as he sat down and handed Yoongi his chopsticks. Namjoon had surely heard a dispute between the youngest and eldest, but decided not to interfere since Yoongi had his own ways to calm down the kid.

''Jungkook and I got in an argument yesterday because he heard us talking about our plan. He left yesterday night and did not come back.'' Yoongi croaked out and clicked his tongue. Namjoon's brow creased as he remembered his last killing spree.

''He was literally growling at me yesterday, saying that we never include him in their plans..and how Taehyung has left him to himself again...not gonna lie I was a bit scared and worried...''

Yoongi shivered as he remembered the bloodshot eyes of the younger, who was almost looked like a lunatic.

Both the boys sat in the grim silence as if waiting proper go signal from that certain person who was planning the whole shit.

A sudden loud shriek had both of them jumping up from their seats with wide eyes as they looked around for the source of such inhumane voice.

''Why..Why do you guys hide stuff from me all the time?'' Hoseok screamed again as he came into the kitchen, his expression twisted into a most scary scowl. Namjoon and Yoongi chuckled nervously as they cleared their throats.

''Hoseokie..we were gonna inform you right now-''

''Don't..don't you dare say that again..'' Hoseok chuckled deeply as he grabbed his sleek black hand gun from behind his trousers and cocked it. Namjoon tried running away, but he stubbed his pinky and stumbled down with a yelp. Yoongi tried to act cool walk out of the room, but the deafening sound of bullet firing, zooming right past his eyes and burying into the wall was enough to make him halt his movements in his place and raise his hands.

And peeps, if anyone has a problem in this happy BigB household, this is how they solve them.... :)

Taehyung contemplated his decision of calling the younger. He literally shut out the ravenette again for the second time without an explanation. But he couldn't do anything. The situation was holding him back.

But he will at least try to have a decent conversation with the younger to meet up and ask for an apology from Jungkook.

''Hey..Jungkook..'' taehyung breathed out nervously as he waited for the other to greet him. But all he could hear is silence. Taehyung gulped as he contemplated his next words.


Taehyung furrowed his brows hearing the boy's breathy voice as the ravenette practically moaned into his ear. Taehyung just closed his eyes keeping out all the possible shit which the ravenette might be doing right now.

''Um...I-I was thinking..if we could..meet?'' Taehyung asked in unsure voice. It was silently when he heard Jungkook grunt following a loud feminine whine. Taehyung's phone almost dropped from his hands as his suspicions were confirmed. His chest felt like it was on fire suffocating him in an unknown feeling.

''Yeah sure we can meet..'' Jungkook huffed out, as if annoyed by the brunette. Taehyung felt the saltiness enter his mouth as he harshly wiped away the tears.

Why the fuck was he crying?

Taehyung wanted to hang up and smash his phone against whichever wall was in front of him. Jungkook was sleeping with someone else..and he was crying here, thinking that he deserved this since Taehyung was the one to shut him out.

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