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Taehyung just stared blankly at the dark ceiling of his room,not daring to blink. Yesterday's events kept flashing through his head. Jungkook's wide eyes and limp hands, his stiff closed lips, everything, everything was just haunting him. The whole day Taehyung was either zoned out or blushing red because of the embarrassment. Heck, he had also shed a few tears in front of the ravenette. Never ever had Taehyung forced someone into the kiss and of course he was embarrassed as fuck because of his sudden unleash of sexual (romantic or maybe intense attraction, we don't know...YET)) desire right on the ravenette. And please don't even question his sexuality now....the poor boy is visibly Kookiesexual.....but the thing is....he doesn't know that...(YET)

He silently rolled onto the other side of bed trying to block all those images by burying his face into the soft cushion. After a lot of turmoil of going back to sleep, which apparently ended up being unsuccessful, he finally got up from his bed and walked towards the window. The sky was dark and kinda gloomy, covered in dark grey clouds and Taehyung  just loved such kind of weather, cold breeze and dim lighted environment . He quickly glanced at the small digital clock on the bedside table.

5:00 am, monday.

He was not supposed to go to the uni today, and he must be at Jungkook's, but the blond was too worked up and guilty, so sneaking out was the only option for the boy. Jimin maybe, would not attend the uni today because Taehyung had left without him, and Jimin was gonna beat him to death later.

Taehyung rubbed both of his palms over his tired faced as he walked towards the bathroom. Dark circles clearly evident below his eyes.

''Taehyung? when did you come back?''

Jin asked as he looked over his younger brother over his shoulder, continuing his work in the kitchen. ''Yeah last night, I came back.'' Jin just hummed, sensing his brother's bad mood. Maybe, he will scold him later..

The hot scalding water was more than enough to burn the skin, but Taehyung didn't care. He just stood there, not bothering the redness of his skin. His skull felt senseless and that somewhat calmed his down. The bathroom was filled with fog, making it appear like a quiet sauna. Taehyung finally felt his skin becoming a bit itchy, so he quickly turned off the shower and stepped out.

''Not eating breakfast?'' Jin asked as he tried to hide his worry. Was Taehyung kicked out of the house? did he find something suspicious? Irrational thoughts kept running through his mind as he saw Taehyung pick up the keys of his cars from the bowl and head towards the door.

''Bye Hyung, take care.'' and he was gone.

''How the fuck can you leave me alone there?'' Jimin complained as he tried to keep up with the blond's walking pace. The canteen was extremely busy today, as loud chattering and cutlery noises were heard. Taehyung just kept walking muttering sorries from time to time, but Jimin had made up his mind that he won't shut up now.

''If you like him that-''

''I don't like him.''

Taehyung sternly cut off the boy, who scowled in frustration. They both stared at each other, not speaking a word.

''Not anymore...'' With this, Taehyung walked up the line to wait for his turn for food. Jimin just sighed in defeat and stood behind him.


A high pitch squeal was heard as a pretty, slim girl clinged onto Taehyung's arm. Yes the most-pretty-from-out-outside-but-fake-and-ugly-from-inside.., Ah-in. (A/N- Hope you remember her.)

''What do you want?'' Taehyung asked flatly, his gaze fixed on the head of the guy, who stood in front of him. Jimin's annoying huff was clearly heard as he cautiously moved away from both of them.

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