Chapter 10

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I didn't realise how hungry I was till I saw hot pancakes, chocolate syrup and strawberries on the table. Tae and I sat next to each other with Hobi on my other side. I was nervous because of two things. One I'm not Jungkook and two, I'm seated with the most handsome men in the world.

'Jungkookie have you planned anything for today.' Jin asked.

' Jin asked

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' hyung. I couldn't think of any.'

'If you guys are free can we watch a movie tonight. It's been a while since we had a movie night.' Jimin suggested.

' I'm in.' Namjoon replied.

The rest of the time we were deciding what to watch. I just stayed quiet. I thought that's better.

The breakfast was really good. I was sitting on the couch and checking my Instagram when Suga came sat next to me. I quickly switched my account, not willing to take a risk.

'You seem oddly quiet today. Is there any reason.?' Suga asked.

'N.. nothing just a headache.'

'Did you complete your song? How's it going?'

Ohh god what will I reply. I have no clue what song he's talking about. Somebody please help me.

'No, not yet. I..' I tried to give him a reply without giving out anything.

'Jungkookie can you come help me with this?' Here comes my saviour, Kim Taehyung.

'Yes right away', I smiled sheepishly at Suga and went to Tae.

'On a scale of one to ten, how scared were you?' Tae mockingly asked.

'How about a hundred?' I smiled and bumped his shoulder.

He stumbled a little. 'Hey don't forget you're stronger than you think.' He reminded me flicking my head. Ouchhh...

'Shall we call him?' I asked.

'Yeah I think we might be busy tonight with the movie. So now's better.'

We had a long phone call this time. Telling Jes was harder than I thought. I had known her since I was 10 and I had to tell her every single thing we did when we were kids to now. Plus I had to switch on the camera to make her believe that it was all me telling and not reading it from somewhere.

Now Tae and I are laying on my bed, completely drained of energy.

Tae turned to his side facing me and raised his eyebrow. 'What?' I asked.

'You still didn't show me how you actually look like and Kookie isn't showing me either. Whenever I try to reach for the camera he turns it off.' He pouted.

'Sorry lad, I'm not planning to show you any sooner. How do you think I look like?'

'I have no idea, I haven't seen that many Indians. I think you have long black hair and black eyes. I can't guess anything else. You should atleast put a profile picture in your whatsapp.'

I was trying hard to control the smile that's creeping on my lips.

'That reminds me why are you not accepting my friend request in Instagram, am I not your friend?' He asked with a pout again. His cuteness makes me want to poke his cheeks.

'Nope i will not accept, because I've my pictures posted on it.' I smirked.

'Youuuu...' He started tickling me. Tickling, something I hate the most. Jk's very sensitive, I realised that by now.

I tried to tickle back, soon it was a mess. When Jimin opened the door, pillows were on the floor, sheets all tucked out, and me on top of Tae. If I wasn't in Jk's body this would have been hella awkward.

We quickly straightened ourselves.'What the hell are you both doing? And why didn't you call me?' With that Jimin joined us and we were having a pillow fight.

I think I haven't laughed like this in quite a while. Suddenly, Jin came and started shouting at us for the mess we've made.

'Clean that up right away and come have lunch.' He left the room.

We looked at each other, smiled mischievously and continued what we were doing. When we heard another bang on the door, we knew it was time to stop or else we might get whacked on the head.

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