Part 21- The Four Letter Word That Comes Before Love

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         ‘I knew it was a joke! I knew it I knew it I knew it! But I let them do it again anyway.’ You see, the way my mind worked was I always kept the worst possibility at the front of my mind and stored the best one away. But this time I decided to stop being so anxious when Toby called me ‘Ms. Uptight’ and just think positively for once. I had obviously chosen the wrong time to let my guard down and I regretted it.

         I tried as hard as I could to hold it in but the tears began slowly streaming from my eyes while I ran down the sidewalk. I wasn’t too far from where I had left the boys but I knew they couldn’t see me anymore. I rapidly began running out of breath due to being non-athletic; I loved sports but was just too lazy to participate.

         I slowed my running until I had to come to a stop to catch my breath. I leaned against a building, panting heavily, and unable to breathe very well.

         After a few seconds, another person who seemed to have been running leaned against the building beside me. I looked up to see none other than fucking Toby McDonough. Like I wanted to see him. His chest was heaving up and down with every breath that was forced out of his lungs and his face was a light red. I imagined mine was too.

         But at that moment, I forgot how tired I was and tried to speed away from him. I only got about a yard before he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back. He held my shoulders against the cold, brick wall and I looked around frantically for his friends, only to find him alone.

         “Stop running away.” He asserted with an expressionless face, still breathing heavily, “It wasn’t a joke.” He said between breaths, “My friends are just…idiots.”

         ‘Maybe he’s telling the truth…after all, he did ditch his friends to run after me.’


         “So…you were serious when you asked me out?” I questioned hesitantly.

         Toby nodded with a serious expression. I bit my lip and waited for him to say something else. It took a few moments but he eventually did, “Would you like to come to my place? There’d be no one to bother us because my parents are with their friends for a few more hours, Connor’s out with Ryan, Braiden, and Thomas, and Riley’s at your house.

         “Well considering Riley’s at my house, I suddenly have the urge to stay away from that area.”

         Toby smiled and chuckled slightly, “So does that mean yes?”

         ‘It’s a bad idea, I know it is.’ Despite thinking it was a bad idea, I wanted so badly to say yes. I had wanted this to happen for years and years but figured he would never ask me to be alone with him! I mean, an attractive, popular, famous, teenage boy and an unattractive, unpopular, insecure, disaster-of-a teenage girl? Please. But…it actually happened.

         I nodded my head and so did he to let me know he accepted my decision. “Come on.” He urged as he gestured for me to walk with him.

         We were walking for about 5 minutes when I felt his hand brush against mine. It sent a surge of energy through me that lasted only a couple seconds but seemed like much longer. He noticed too because he immediately pulled his hand away. It made my heart cry a little. Then I felt his warm hand against mine again, but this time it was on purpose. He intertwined our fingers and I knew I was blushing. Oh gosh!

         I looked down at our hands then up to Toby who was smiling. I was silently asking, ’Why?’

         He must’ve read my mind because he answered the question, “It’s a date, isn’t it?”

         That word! Oh the word! You know, the 4-letter one that comes before love? It set the metaphorical butterflies free for a few seconds while I stared at him with my mouth slightly open. I wanted to say something but I didn’t know what to say.

          Toby ended up chuckling and shaking his head at me with that sneaky smirk on his lips. ‘Didn’t I say I was gonna rip his balls off if he kept smirking?’


And the date continues!!

What do you think Toby has planned for his time alone with Rowan?

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