Part 8- 'Date'

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Hey guys, could you please please please comment and maybe answer the chapter question at the bottom? I love reading comments but never get any <3


         Once I walked the 15 minutes to the park, I arrived and found no one, ‘Must not be here yet.’ I looked at my phone and it said 6:02pm. I sat on top of a picnic table that had been pushed up against a big gazebo. I crossed my legs and played with my hair due to having nothing else to do.

         About 2 minutes later, I heard footsteps so I looked up and spotted Joel. “Hey.” He said as he stopped next to the picnic table.

         “Hey.” I replied.

         He was standing with his hands behind his back, smiling really big…way too big. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could, Joel’s hand flew out from behind his back and flung something at me. I had no idea what had even happened until I realized I was soaking wet! My jaw dropped as I quickly stood up on the table. He had thrown a freezing cold, water balloon at me!

         “You didn’t think I’d really go out with you did you?!” He exclaimed.

         I closed my mouth and un-tensed myself, “No.” I said, hurt.

         Then I heard the laughter of a group of boys behind me. I didn’t dare turn around because I already knew it was Toby, Lane, Eliot, and two more guys who you’ll meet later. Then another water balloon exploded on my back, soaking the rest of my shirt. It hit me hard enough that I had to step forward to stop myself from losing my balance. They began constantly hitting me as I jumped off the table and walked away from the park. I let them pelt me with the balloons as punishment for believing Joel didn’t hate me.




         I walked home, soaking wet; at least it was a warm-ish day.

         I got home and immediately went to my room. I sat on my bed, curled my knees up into my chest, and began to cry. Tho I had to soften my sobs so no one would hear me.

         I had been crying for quite a while when someone knocked on my door, “Shut it Rowan! These walls are goddamn thin!” yelled my older brother, Eric’s, voice.

         He was Riley McDonough’s age and they were pretty much inseparable, which meant Riley was at my house almost every day. Connor was the only brother I was never associated with and who didn’t know me. My brother was one of the meanest people I’d ever met, but Riley could be whatever. One day he could be the sweetest guy in the world and the next he could be the biggest douche. I had no idea if Riley was there or not so I decided to act like he was. I figured it was better to assume he was there rather than to assume he wasn’t and be caught doing something stupid.

         I waited about 5 minutes before walking out of my room to go to the bathroom. Every time I left my bedroom, I locked my door from the inside and kept the key on my necklace because if anyone went into my room and found all my BYE stuff, they’d get damn scared.

         I looked into the bathroom mirror and my eyes were red and puffy, my nose was red, and part of my hair was wet. I still hadn’t changed from my wet clothes but I didn’t really care. I brushed my teeth, hair, and wiped off my face with a warm cloth before stepping out of the bathroom.

         Just as I set foot in the hallway, I almost smacked directly into Riley, “Woah!” He exclaimed, stepping back and almost stepping on Eric.

         “Sorry.” I mumbled.

         I put my head down and tried to step past him but he blocked my way, “Why are you wet?” He asked in a kind of snotty voice.

         “Dude!” asserted my brother, “Don’t ask my sister that!...oh wait…she’s too gross for anyone to ever think of her in that way!”

         Riley laughed and held his hand out for a fist bump from Eric, “Nice one dude!”

         ‘Ugh. You’d think they were both immature, 13-year-old boys. Well, half of that is right.’


         “So why are you wet, nerd?” My brother asked.

         “Water balloons.” I muttered before pushing past them violently. They broke out into laugh attacks but I just kept walking to my room.

         The bathroom was directly across from the stairs and next to my parents’ room. My room was all the way at the other end of the hall, right next to my brother’s (crudely-drawn map on the side).

         I bent down, unlocked my door, walked in, and slammed it. The boys started laughing even harder at the fact they’d upset me.

         I silently cried myself to sleep that night once again…


Thank you for 200 reads!!!! <3

Do you think Rowan will be treated differently at school because of her encounter with the boys today?

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