Part 12- I May Actually Kill One Of You

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         “Saturday morning jumped out of bed…” I smacked the snooze option on my phone and pulled the covers over my head.

         “It’s not Saturday you dirty liar.” I mumbled into my pillow.

         My alarm finally went off for the last time at 7:10am and I tiredly rolled out of bed. Riley wasn’t at my house so I didn’t have to worry about him messing with me.

         I rode my skateboard that morning because I really had no intention of socializing with anyone on the bus or answering any of their questions about what happened yesterday. Scarlett didn’t drop by my locker so I didn’t speak to her, I wasn’t late for English so I didn’t to talk to Mr. Thompson, and we had a substitute in shop so all we did was watch safety videos. I planned on continuing my anti-social streak until the end of the day but lunchtime most certainly was not what I thought it would be.

         I didn’t want to eat lunch so I once again grabbed my sketchbook, pencils, and eraser and headed outside. I wasn’t in the mood to walk all the way to the forest so I just walked out the back steps and sat against the wall of the school next to them. I pulled out my phone and looked up a picture of a celebrity to draw.

         I had only begun drawing five minutes ago when THEY decided to come out- Lane, Eliot, Toby, Joel, and two other boys named Kristoff and Wesley, Wes for short. Two boys leaned against the railing next to me, one against the door, and the other three against the railing dividing the two staircases. They of course HAD to be on the staircase closest to me.

         It took them a minute before they noticed I was sitting there. I ignored them but at the same time, listened to every word they said. You see, these boys had a few code words for when they were around people and they each had their own code name. I figured them out long ago. The only thing I hadn’t fully figured out was why they had those certain ‘code names’.

Lane= Street (because of the lanes on a road)

Eliot= Buck (like the deer from Open Season)

Joel= Clash

Toby= Spongebob

Kristoff= Sonic (he had broken the school’s records for 3 different track events and held the top spot for 5 events)

Wes= East (East and Wes…I hoped they knew West has a t on the end…)

         Anyway, I knew they noticed I was sitting there when they began talking in code. It was so easy to interpret.

         “How can we bother her this time?” asked Lane.

         “Well I can’t do anything, she kinda saved my ass.” Joel informed them, “I’ll tell you guys about it later.”

         “That doesn’t stop the rest of us from annoying her.” Said Kristoff.

         “She’s probably just expecting us to do something. What if we don’t do anything to mess with what she thinks we’re gonna do but we’re not really gonna do anything.” Wes suggested, confusingly.

         I felt like facepalming and I assumed a couple of the guys actually did. Wes was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but perhaps you were suspecting that already.

         “Wes,” Groaned Eliot, “all you did was repeat yourself twice and flip the exact same phrase around.”

         No one spoke for a second until I heard Wes say, “…What?”

         Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw the two boys closest to me turn to face me. ‘Crap.’


         “Whatcha drawing there girly?” asked Eliot.

         ‘Please just leave me alone or I may actually kill one of you.’

         “It’s a face,” replied Lane, “I think she’s drawing her husband, Joel.”

         I gripped the pencil tight, trying not to throw it at them, ‘ShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUp.’

         “Aw she’s in love with him!” teased Kristoff.

         ‘That’s it. I am so done with all of them.’


Ooooh Rowan's getting mad! Whaddayou think she's gonna do about the bothersome boys?

Please please please please comment!

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