Part 36- Boss Ass Bitch

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         "Rowan! Get the fuck out of bed!" Yelled my brother, banging on my bedroom door, "I know you were out with Riley's brother again and I already warned you about him. I don't care if you're upset over him so stop faking sick. Mom keeps yelling at me to get you up so get the fuck out here!" I sighed, wanting to very much just pull the covers over my head and pretend the world was dead but I ended up just laying there.

         Four days ago I left Toby alone at his smoker's pit because I was frustrated with him and myself. I was upset that I couldn't take what he threw at me so I decided to run away rather than deal with the situation. Friday I faked an upset stomach and was allowed to stay home from school but Eric was immediately suspicious.

         I knew I couldn't hide in my room and pretend to be deathly ill forever so I awaited the angry knocking again. It only took seconds before it came once more, "Rowan I will break this goddamned door down if you don't open it within the next ten seconds!" And with that he began counting down.

         I reluctantly arose from my protective cocoon of covers to fulfill my brother's demands. I flung the door open just as the countdown hit one to see Eric's flaming red face turn soft as he took in my appearance. I had been crying not long ago because you know, teenage hormones and shit are bothersome and uncontrollable. If my mind turned to Toby I would either get pissed and want to push something or start to cry or even both at the same time.

         "Come here." He spoke tenderly as he stretched out his arms. I accepted his offer for a hug and he held me to him. We let go after a few seconds and I honestly did feel better.

         "Thanks." I said, not wanting to look at him. I saw him nod in my peripheral vision, accepting it.

         "Mom asked me to check if you were okay to go to school today. She didn't actually say you had to."

         "I'll be fine to go, tell mom I'll be down in ten minutes." I requested of him.

         "Okay, do you want a ride to school because it's raining a bit?"

         I shook my head, "I'll just take the bus."

         Eric then left to head downstairs and I began to get dressed- black jeans, black shirt, black...I stopped in the middle of changing into my depressed outfit when I realized something, 'What's the point of showing everyone you're upset when you can just put on a fake cover so so one will question you?' So that's what I did. I picked my red, medium-sleeve, Houston Rockets shirt, black, leather short-shorts, red combat boots, a beanie that read, 'BOSS'- because I was the boss today- and I braided my hair into a side braid that hung down across my left shoulder, securing it with a black hair tie with a bow on it. I applied a minor amount of eyeliner and some bright red lipstick. I looked in the bathroom mirror to examine my outfit and knew I'd surprise a few people today. I looked fabulous- my butt looked amazing and so did my boobs.

         "Go be the boss, Rowan." I said to my reflection, referring to my hat, "Go show all the people who hate you that you're better than what they think."

         All of a sudden my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out to see yet another text from Toby simply saying, 'hi'. He'd been texting me all through Friday, Saturday, and yesterday, but I had left all of them unread, most likely driving him insane- perfect.

         I returned my phone to my pocket and looked back at my mirror-self. "But most importantly, go show Toby that you're capable of everything." I smiled at myself before shoving my lipstick into my pocket, snatching my backpack from the floor, and heading downstairs.


What's up people of Wattpad? The busyness is taking over and my schedule is always full- I'm always with people, working on projects, or reading books that I should have a week ago because there may or may not be a test on Monday for a book I didn't read...oops.

Anyway- Do you think Rowan's plan of impressing people will work?

Please comment/vote THANK YOU!! <3 :)

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