Part 35- It's Me Or Miss Mary-Jane

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         "So are we switching roles now? Cuz I don't think I can survive being the confident, popular one here." I said as I gestured to the both of us.

         Toby chuckled but continued to look at the ground. "Look Rowan, I really like you and it may be hard to believe but I get nervous too."

         "Yeah, no, that's not gonna work for me." I replied sassily.

         It caused another chuckle to escape from his lips but this time he looked at me. I couldn't help but smile when I looked into his cocoa brown eyes and he smiled back. He scooted over, closing the 3" gap between us. Our thighs were touching and I slightly leaned my upper body away, as so not to end up rubbing my boob on his arm.

         Toby then once again took my hand into his and laced our fingers together; it felt so right. I had read the same line many times in different stories, 'It's like our hands were meant for each other.' And now I finally understood the feeling and it was true; our hands fit perfectly together- like a puzzle with only two pieces.

         We then continued on our way to Starbucks, got our drinks (Toby paid for mine even tho I insisted I could), and walked to the forest by the school. "So why exactly did you want to come here?" I question Toby as we enter the trails, our fingers still locked together, and my hand beginning to get sweaty.

         He took a sip from his hot drink before replying, "Just a little tense, I need to relax a bit."

         I tagged along beside Toby and assumed he knew where he was going- because I sure didn't. Everything looked unfamiliar to me. I mean, yes, there were trees and rocks but not trees and rocks that I knew.

         We ventured off the path a while ago and I was constantly lifting my feet up extra high to avoid tripping over roots and in holes while at the same time ducking and dodging branches. After about 15 minutes of walking through the forest, we came to a small clearing with nothing more than grass and a picnic table. 'Why would there be a picnic table here in the middle of nowhere?'


         Toby pulled me over to it and we both sat down. "You know what," I began, "I like it here." For some reason, I just felt so calm in this place.

         He nodded, "My friends and I come here a lot and as far as I know, no one else has ever been here."

         Toby then leaned over and sat back up, holding something in his hand. "It's so easy to get caught around the school so we keep it hidden here to avoid problems."

         At that moment I realized what he held. My jaw dropped as I watched him open the bag and pull out a lighter. I finally managed to speak despite the shock I was in, "Is that weed?"

         He stuck a pre-rolled joint in his mouth and lit it before speaking out of the side of his mouth, "What did you think I meant by, 'I need to relax'? I thought you knew."

         The foul smell began to curl around me and it made me want to vomit almost instantly. I yanked my hand away from his firm grasp and stood up, confusion twisting inside me. "What the fuck Toby?" I asked with no idea what I should've been thinking. First everyone assumed he was a bad boy, then he showed his sweet side; he showed he was scared and slightly vulnerable. But then he was doing something not so innocent and illegal. What was I supposed to do? Get mad because I overestimated him? It's not like I really cared about weed I just had no idea he smoked. This boy was unpredictable and I had two options; I obviously chose the overdramatic one.

         He removed the joint from between his lips and blew the smoke off to the side. I had to admit- he did look kind of hot doing it. "It's not like it's a cigarette or anything. Plus weed isn't addictive and I only do it like once a week."

         'That's why I've never smelled it on him.'


         "Come on, sit back down." He insisted softly as he reached for my hand.

         "No." I said quietly, stepping away from him. The odor was beginning to give me a headache and I knew Toby would smell like it for a while. "I'm going home." It hurt a lot to utter those words on account of how long I'd chased after him.

         "But why?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows, "Don't tell me you're a good, bad-girl."

         "I just can't handle you Toby; I don't like predictable but I'm not good with unpredictable."

         His expression was a mixture of confusion and dismay but I didn't let him say another word. I swiftly made my way back into the thick mass of greenery and branches in hopes of somehow finding a path back to civilization. I immediately regretted everything I had said but I wasn't good with situations I had absolutely no control over. I felt bad but I needed time to cool off.


Did you see this coming? What would you do if you were in Rowan's position?

Would you have cared? Or would you have done what she did?

Please please please comment! I haven't gotten many lately. Thank you :D

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