Part 13- So Done Pt.1

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         I slammed my book closed, threw my pencils in my pencil case, and picked up everything.

         “Ooh someone’s getting mad.” Taunted Wes.

         I then stood up, holding all my stuff, and I faced the boys, “Yeah, I AM mad…no, I’m not mad, I’m downright PISSED OFF at all of you! I’m so sick and tired of you guys being assholes all the time! You can all go jump off a fucking cliff for all I give a shit about!” I paused for a second to just look at all their faces; mouths slightly open, eyes wide, and just frozen in their spots. So I decided to continue to paralyze them, “But I’m not done yet. I’m so sick and tired of you guys thinking you rule everyone and that you’re the fucking kings of the world! Cuz you know what? You’re not! And I’m not about to bow down to anymore shit you guys do! I’m tired of you bullies! So just keep to yourself and leave me the fuck alone!”

         Only one person had moved since I began my little rant and that was Toby. He took none of that seriously and I could tell by the smirk on his face. The smirk. “Wipe that fucking smirk off your ugly-ass face kid or I’ll rip your balls off faster than you can say holy crap.”

         The boys’ eyes darted from Toby, to me, and back to Toby. He had no reaction; he just kept his expression plastered on his face.

         I didn’t care. I didn’t wanna know what he was thinking. So next I turned around and walked to the corner of the school about 200 feet from where they were standing. I leaned my back against the building, pulled out my phone, and began scrolling through Instagram to get my mind off everything. It didn’t matter how long I scrolled through my feed, all I could think of was Toby…maybe it was the fact I was looking at endless photos and edits of Before You Exit.

         After what seemed like 5 minutes, someone stepped up beside me, “Hey.” He said in a soft, deep voice. Toby.

         “Fuck off.” I said to him, but he didn’t budge. He instead leaned his shoulder against the school, beside me.

         “Nah, I think I’ll stay here.” We stood there in silence for a second until he spoke up, “So my brother told me something interesting…”

         ‘I hate you Riley. I’m gonna kill you.’


         “Apparently you like my band.” I didn’t even have to look at him to know he was smirking again.

         “I DID,” I said to him, making sure to emphasize ‘did’, “until I found out you’re a huge douche.”

         I honestly had no idea what to call what I was feeling at that moment; it was like a feeling of euphoria due to my crush being so close to me coupled with a feeling of absolute terror on behalf of the fact Riley could’ve very well told him everything, EVERYTHING. I mean, Riley knows about my huge crush on his brother and there is a high possibility that he told him. Another thing that caused the feeling of anxiety to set in was that I could never tell how Toby was feeling. I’d spent years studying him and his every move…what? Doesn’t everyone do that when they have a crush? Anyway, he always had an unreadable facial expression. Well sure, you could tell if he was happy or upset but what I’m really saying is that you can’t tell what he’s thinking about that feeling, you know?

         “Sure you ‘DID’.” Said Toby, emphasizing ‘did’ just like I had done.

         “Ugh.” I said, trying to make him think I was annoyed, “Alright, tell me what you want or leave me alone.” I continue to look at my phone, pretending to not be interested in anything he had to say.

         “Ok then,” he stated, still holding the unreadable smirk on his face, “you’re going on a date with me.”

         My heart started doing flips as a billion butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. I felt a huge lump forming in my throat and I knew my cheeks were turning red, I could feel them heat up. I knew then that I couldn’t lie or even sass him because it would have no effect. You see, unlike Toby, anyone could tell what I was thinking and it SUCKED.


*GASP* Did Toby really say that?! 

Please please lemme know what you think! Don't be a ghost reader! :)

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