Part 14- So Done Pt. 2

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So this is essentially the previous part in Toby's POV- enjoy :)


♔☠♫✮Toby McDonough’s POV ✮♫☠♔


         Rowan slammed her book closed and gathered up all her stuff.

         “Ooh someone’s getting mad.” Teased Wes.

         The she stood up and faced us, “Yeah, I AM mad. No I’m not mad, I’m downright PISSED OFF at all of you! I’m so sick and tired of you guys being assholes all the time! You can all go jump off a fucking cliff for all I give a shit about!”

         ‘Did she REALLY just say that?’ My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. I always knew she hated being made fun of but I never thought she was the type of person to actually DO anything about it. She paused for a second to take in all of our surprised expressions.

         She then continued, “But I’m not done yet. I’m so sick and tired of you guys thinking you rule everyone and that you’re the fucking kings of the world! Cuz you know what? You’re not!”

         She kept talking but I began to realize- ‘This dorky girl is standing up to all of us; she’s got the courage to stand up to her bullies.’ So I closed my mouth and my eyes returned to their normal size- no longer bulging out of my head. I folded my arms across my chest and kicked a foot up on the bottom bar of the railing I was leaning back against. Slowly, a smirk snuck itself onto my face- I couldn’t help it. All the other guys still had the startled looks on their faces but I had a calm look on mine.

         Rowan noticed I wasn’t affected the same way everyone else was by her harsh words so she looked me directly in the eyes and told me off, “Wipe that fucking smirk off your ugly-ass face kid or I’ll rip your balls off faster than you can say holy crap.”

         Everyone looked back and forth from me to Rowan. She expected me to change my expression or say something but I had no intention of either. I apparently pissed her off even more because she walked away from all of us to the other side of the school, but still in our sights.

         “How the hell are you so calm after what she said?!” exclaimed Joel, “She told us to go jump off a cliff and threatened to rip off your balls!”

         I couldn’t help but smile listening to Joel’s paranoid side come out.

         “Dude! Are you crazy?! What are you smiling about?!” shouted Eliot.

         I continued to smile and I shook my head at the guys, “Did any of you hear what she just said? She stood up to us!” I informed them.

         “Yeaaahhh…your point?” asked Kristoff.

         I paused a second before bowing my head and mumbling, “I admire that.”

         “What?” half of them questioned.

         So I lifted my head up, looked at all of them so interested in what I had to say, and smiled even bigger, “I admire that.” I spoke clearly this time.

         All their jaws dropped again and Lane asked, “What are you saying bro?”

         “Yeah, where are you going with this?” Wes echoed.

         I bit my lip to cause a bit of suspense, “I like that.”

         “ARE YOU MENTAL?!” Joel and Eliot questioned at the same time.

         “You like that dork?!” inquired Kristoff, pointing towards Rowan.

         “Yeah, you like her?!” repeated Wes as usual.

         “I didn’t say I liked her, but I wouldn’t mind ACTUALLY giving her a chance. Like, we don’t really know anything about her except that she’s quiet.” I didn’t realize how true what that was until after I stated it.

         “We know she’s a dork.” Scoffed Kristoff.

         “No we don’t.” I replied quickly, “Have you ever actually talked to her to get to know her?”

         No answer from anyone, they just stood there with blank expressions on their faces. I couldn’t tell if they understood what I was saying or whether my point was blowing over their heads.

         “Well, I’m going over to talk to her.”

         I walked down the steps, turned right, and began walking towards Rowan. “You’ll regret it!” shouted Wes from a few feet behind me. I then heard a noise like someone being hit and Wes’ voice exclaiming, What the fuck?!” Tho he said it quite fast so it sounded more like, “Ow! Whathfuck?!”

         Next I heard Eliot tell him off, “Leave him alone man.”

         ‘Eliot gets it.’


Would you like to read the rest of part 13 in Toby's POV and know what he's thinking when he says Rowan has to go on a date with him?

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