Part 29- Just Because He's A Jerk Doesn't Mean He's Bad

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         Once I became aware of where I was looking, I quickly tore my eyes away to once again make eye contact with Toby. ‘Don’t look to his lips again, don’t do it Rowan.’ But my eyes wouldn’t cooperate with my mind.

         He obviously noticed because the next words out of his mouth embarrassed me greatly, “We’re not talking about kissing right now, we’re talking about what happened earlier.”

         I felt my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment and Toby squeezed my left hand. “Hey,” he began quietly, leaning his forehead against mine, “just because we’re not talking about it right now, that doesn’t mean we won’t talk about it later.”

         ‘Woah.’ I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest and my hands began sweating enough to become two slip ‘n’ slides. ‘Does that mean he wants to kiss me? No, he said we’d TALK about it…but still…’

         Toby apparently didn’t care about my sweaty hands as he ignored the factor. “So back to my question, do you want to tell me what happened?”

         “Not particularly.” I replied, looking at the ground.

         Toby sighed, “Then at least tell me who’s blackmailing you.”

         I gulped and hesitated before replying “Diamond.”

         Toby nodded, showing no expression towards it. “Can I see your phone?” he asked and I gave him a confused look. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to mess around with anything.”

         I skeptically pulled my phone out of my pocket.

         “Unlock it.” He ordered. I did as he said and typed in the password before handing it to him. I could see his fingers moving but I couldn’t tell what he was doing.

         Then all of a sudden, I forgot about everything except getting to class when I heard the rustling and voices of the students in the hall dissipate. I glanced at the clock and it read 8:51am. Class started in 4 minutes.

         I began panicking a little until Toby returned my phone to me. I looked at the screen and he had opened my contacts. “If you feel like telling me anything else, text me.” And sure enough, there was his number under the name ‘Toby <3’.

         I looked up at him and he nodded.

         I reached down to pick up my skateboard, “We should probably get to class.” I said as I looked towards the doorknob, but Toby grabbed it before I could.

         “Screw class.”

         I never thought I’d hear those words together in a phrase coming from TOBY’S mouth. Sure, he was one of the popular, douchy guys who seemed like he just didn’t care, but he NEVER skipped. He was a jerk, not a bad boy…

         “I couldn’t do that, I have to work on my essay for English.” I actually didn’t, I was just scared of getting a call home, saying I was absent from class.

         Without any objections, Toby opened the door and replied with a simple, “Okay.” He obviously didn’t want to skip either but wished to give me the opportunity to ditch with him. I, of course, wanted to be alone with him but now was not the right time.

         There was no one in the halls except for people with spares first period and Toby and I when we exited the shop.

         I didn’t even look at him again; I just took off running towards my locker. I opened it after trying the combination twice, shoved my skateboard in, grabbed my books, and ran to class. I made it into the classroom and the bell rang not two seconds later.


Ooh shit! Whaddaya think Toby's gonna do about Diamond?

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PS- You should go check out my new book 'A for Angel B for Branson C for Colman' and lemme know what you think! Comment if I should post more chapters! Thank so much! :) (Also it's not a fanfic, just a story)

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