Part 34- I Hope You Get Hit By A Car

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         Toby pulled away completely; he even let go of my hands and took a step back.

         'Did I somehow offend him? Oh my god, maybe my breath stinks! Oh please don't let it be that!'

         Of course he cleared everything up in a matter of seconds by stating, "I wasn't planning on kissing you, I was just trying to show you I'm right."

         My heart dropped and my face went bright red out of embarrassment. 'Don't be embarrassed Rowan, he did that on purpose, he knew how you'd react.' I told myself. So as revenge, I took no time prior to driving my fist into his gut.

         "OOF!" he blurted out involuntarily as he pulled his hand to the area of impact and slightly bent over.

         "You know what?!" I yelled at him, "I thought you were just trying to be cute or nice or you know, NOT like your asshole self for once! I can't believe I actually thought you were at least TRYING to be likeable." After that difficulty, I had to quickly debate what to do next, walk away, or let him talk. I decided to let him attempt to explain if he even had words for the strain he'd caused me. In the back of my mind I actually hoped he'd take two more steps back, end up in the road, and get hit by a car.

         He stood up straight again and walked over to a nearby bench. I didn't hit him too hard so he wasn't really hurt. He sat down and gestured for me to sit beside him. I had no idea why but I actually sat next to him. Toby leaned his elbows on his knees and let his hands dangle between his legs. He sighed just ahead of turning his head to look sideways at me and spoke, "Ok fine, I'm a true asshole and I'm sorry. I've tried to be nice to you but everything I say somehow picks up an idiotic extension and I honestly DO like you. But in order to date me, you'll have to deal with that. I try to control it but eventually something overpowers the good thoughts and infects my mind. So could I ask you for a favor?"

         I nodded, knowing exactly what I wanted to ask him in return. 'It's gonna take a lot of courage to say it but I can do this. Just remember what he said.' I eased myself as Toby's words echoed through my head, 'It doesn't mean you have to be so scared of what I'm going to say.'

         "Fine, but only if I can ask you a question." I informed him.

         Toby sat up and faced me, "Okay." I could see his chest move up and down dramatically as he took a deep breath and let it out, probably to calm himself, "My favor is this: Could you try to cope with my dumbassery and just let me know when I've gone too far? I need someone to help me."

         I nodded, "Okay." 'He needs someone to help?' That was when I realized... 'He needs someone to help.' He legitimately needed someone to stop him when he took things too far and it was truly out of his hands. I had begun to catch on when Mr. Thompson was talking to us but now I actually understood. He wasn't JUST a cop who played a robber...he was a cop who played a robber that wanted to be good. What I mean by that is Toby is like a little kid who's being influenced to do wrong when all he really wants to do is make things right. I actually felt a little sympathetic towards him now because once you have a reputation, it's not the easiest thing to change how people see you.

         Toby smiled slightly but it was so small, if I blinked I would've missed it, "Your turn."

         I swallowed and asked the question that's been burning behind my closed lips, "Where exactly are we?"

         "Well, where do you..."

         I cut him off at once, "No. Answer my question. No more answering questions with simple replies that don't explain crap." 'Was that a bit harsh? I didn't mean it to sound rude.'

         "Sorry," he apologized, "Well I..." he paused to sigh and spoke confidently this time, "I'd really like if I could say we're dating."

         My heart fluttered and I became speechless.

         "Truth be told, I actually really wanted to kiss you." He mumbled as he stared at the ground.


         'So it WASN'T just an act to send my heart into a world of topsy-turviness.'


         "But it's not that I don't want to kiss you now, I was talking about earlier. Like, I mean, I do want to but not yet. I mean I want to, but I don't think we should yet. I just...ugh..." He stammered as he struggled to explain his feelings.


         'Toby tripping over his words? Is he...nervous?' This just doesn't seem right.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I've had a really busy week and a lot of things have happened including things with people and projects I had to frantically finish at midnight.

Do you think Toby is being truthful?

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