Part 6- One Foot In Front Of The Other

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         Shop class was so horrible; I glued some boards together and had nothing more to do so I was asked to teach a couple girls how to use a hand planer. You could tell they only took the class for the guys. I despised talking to both of those bitches, Sabrina and Beverly, but I figured I might as well show off my knowledge. I, unlike them, joined because I enjoyed shop class.

         “Alright, so you hold the knob with one hand and the handle with the other. Then you push it across the board, don’t drag it. But when you get to the end of the board, curve up rather than down or you’ll end up rounding off the edge.”

         I had a couple more things to say but when I noticed the girls were just staring at Joel and Eliot, I gave up. I set the hand planer down on its side and sat on a stool. I leaned my head on my hand out of boredom and annoyance. I watched the girls staring at the guys and I knew the guys saw them too when they started using the drill press improperly. I always found that the hardest machine to screw up on.

         Once they noticed they screwed up, they nonchalantly turned off the machine, picked up their board, and walked back to their table (or ‘workbench’). I guess they quit trying to do anything because they left their wood and came over to us.

         “Hey girls,” Said Joel to Sabrina and Beverly, “Whatchu doing?”

         “Just planing this board so we can make it flat for our table.” Stated Sabrina.

         ‘There are SO many things wrong with that sentence. First of all, she wasn’t doing it, I was trying to teach her. Second, OUR table? No, it is ONE person’s table. Everyone has to make their own, but Sabrina and Beverly are making theirs together (I have a feeling Mr. Dietrich is going to get mad at them). Third, they’re supposed to be planning one side flat so they can put it through the thickness planer.’


         I lifted my head off my hand, picked up the hand planer, and started playing with the router (which changes the blade direction). “So what is this loser doing with you two?” Asked Eliot, gesturing to me.

         “I don’t know.” Answered Beverly, “she doesn’t seem to be doing anything.”

         “Fucking bitch.” I mumbled as I walked towards the shop door. I decided to do laps until the end of class. Since our school was a square with a few wings, people just did laps around the square when they got bored.

         Next was lunch. I didn’t feel like eating today so I grabbed my sketchbook, my case of drawing pencils, and an eraser.

         I walked down the hall, out the side door, down the steps, and I stopped in my tracks. I was going to head down to the forest to just be alone and draw. I could see the entrance to the trails but hesitated to continue due to Joel standing there, leaning against a tree. I decided to just keep walking and ignore him.

         ‘Just put one foot in front of the other and don’t make eye contact.’

         Right as I walked past him, he grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him, “Hey, Rowan, can I talk to you for a second?”

         I wanted to run away but I figured I might as well talk to a god, “Depends, are you gonna make fun of me?”


         “Are you being serious?”


         “Fine. What do you want?” I asked him and he gestured for me to walk down the path with him.


Ooh, whaddaya think Joel wants to talk to Rowan about?

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