Part 11- The Monster That Roams The Halls Of A Haunted House In A Horror Game

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         “Please take a seat.” The principal, Ms. Thornhill said as she gestured to the unoccupied seat in front of her desk as Joel occupied the other seat. Fucker. “So who would like to begin the explanations?” She questioned.

         Neither of us opened our mouths. He looked at me, but I wasn’t about to look back at him, I just stared at Ms. Thornhill with a look of disgust mixed with a smirk on my face. ‘Bad way to start off a meeting with the principal Rowan.’     


         “Why don’t you start us off Joel?” She suggested.

         She only ever had one facial expression, one vocal tone, and one personality. She was a ‘stone-faced bitch’ as my dad would’ve put it and I agreed 100%. She was also as prickly as a thorn so I always felt her last name fit her perfectly.

         Joel gave a sigh of annoyance and sat up from his slouching position, “Well basically, I walked up behind Rowan and scared her while she was using the table saw. Then she slapped me and left.”

         “Is that it?” The principal asked and he hesitated before nodding. Then she turned to look at me, “Care to add anything?”

         I shook my head, showing none of the fear or anger that was building up inside me.

         She leaned back slowly into her large, ugly, throne-like chair and clasped her hands together. She loudly cleared her throat and opened her big mouth to spit out some more annoyances, “Then would either of you care to tell my why the last words spoken were inappropriate and I believe, ‘I’m so tired of you’?” She waited a second and when neither of us spoke, she asked me, “Why don’t you clear up this one Rowan?”

         This was my chance to rat Joel out for all the crap he had done but I couldn’t, I just couldn’t do it. Unlike Joel, I stayed in my slouched position while I spoke, “He had been acting bothersome for the past week.” No matter how much I hated Joel, I hated Ms. Thornhill more.

         “Alright,” She sighed, sitting forward, “I see I’m not getting anything else out of either of you. So Rowan, you’ll have a half hour detention after school and Joel, you will have a one hour detention after school.” Joel groaned as she pulled out two, purple, detention slips, filled them out, and handed them to both of us.

         We heard the bell ring so I snatched mine out of her hand and stood up to leave, “Excuse me, that was not very polite.” She told me. I didn’t care; I just continued to walk angrily from her office.

         I was about 10 feet away when Joel ran up beside me, “Listen, I…”

         I cut him off because I honestly didn’t care what he had to say, “No, you listen to me,” I stopped in my tracks and faced him, “you could’ve gotten in SO much more trouble but you’re lucky I hate her.” I saw Ms. Thornhill walk out of her office, probably to search the school for people she could gat mad at. She was like the monster that roams the halls of a haunted house in a horror game. I quieted my voice and quickly finished up what I was saying, “You owe me one, asshole.” I said with my teeth clenched and my brows knitted together. I then left him shocked, standing in the middle of the hall.

         I next marched straight to my locker, opened it, crumpled the slip, threw it in, slammed my door, and walked home. It was only lunchtime but I was going to get my skateboard, I planned on riding it home rather than walking at the end of the day after detention.


Rowan no! Be a good girl and don't get in trouble!

Do you think this will change Rowan and Joel's relationship?

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