Part 27- Slapping A Puppy In The Face

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         ‘Toby’s not like that.’ I told myself as I skateboarded to school, ‘He’s not going to kiss me then move on to someone else. He just won’t.’ And of course I didn’t know that for sure, but I refused to let myself believe what Eric told me. I wouldn’t believe Riley had one-night stands all the time and that his little brother was following in his footsteps.

         I hadn’t talked to or even seen Eric since 6pm last night but I didn’t care; I didn’t wanna know if he had anything else to say.

         When I reached the school, I hadn’t gone inside right away, but rather I leaned against the wall beside the door to avoid the crowds. I knew the fact I went out with Toby would’ve spread like wildfire and I wasn’t ready for all the questioning stares and the unsubtle whispers quite yet.

         I wasn’t even standing there for 5 minutes when a girl came up to me. I knew very little about her except the fact she was a bitchy slut named Diamond. If you name your kid something expensive like Diamond, Mercedes, Saffron, etc., then you’re just setting them up for a life of sluttiness. Though they are pretty, you’ve already given them their own stripper name. Good for you!

         Anyway, Diamond had obviously fake, blonde hair, vivid, blue eyes (which were really just coloured contact lenses that covered her actual green eyes), full lips, a small nose with a real, diamond piercing, and always wore expensive clothes and jewelry. Fucking whore who thinks she’s better than everyone. She also had long, fake nails that were always done perfectly and I was terrified she would one day touch me with them- so damn creepy. Overall she was a very pretty girl, oh wait, that was just her face caked with makeup…never mind.

         “Alright Rhoda,”

         ‘Oh my god, first Celeste, now Diamond? Has no one ever heard of the name Rowan before? Jesus!’ I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as she continued speaking.

         “Stay the fuck away from Toby.”

         I snorted and smirked, “And why should I let some STD-infested whore tell me what to do?”

         I could tell she was insulted by the way she pursed her lips. But then she shot back, “Because I know things you don’t want Toby to know.”

         “Like what?” I asked her, a little less confidently.

         “Oh it’s actually nothing really, just something Riley McDonough discovered in your bedroom.”

         My jaw dropped, ‘He didn’t.’


         “Something involving Before You Exit.”

         ‘He did.’ “How did you know?”

         “Riley and I hooked up last night and he’s horrible at keeping secrets when he’s drunk.”

         ‘No, Eric can’t be right…Riley doesn’t do that!’ I sighed, knowing I had to give in. “So what exactly do you want?”

         “For you to make Toby feel bad so he’ll hate you. Say his singing last night was horrible.”

         “How do you know about…” I began but realized this whole thing is just stupid, “never mind, I’m not about to hurt him like that.”

         “Oh yes you are because Toby deserves better than you.” She commanded, “But I’ll be nice and tell you how to do it.”

         I rolled my eyes again.

         “You’re gonna go inside and wait for someone to ask you about your date with Toby. And obviously they will I mean come on, who wouldn’t be curious about one of the hottest guys in the school asking out a girl like…well…you.”


         “Then you are going to answer exactly, ‘It was okay, but his singing at the end was really bad.’ Finally, what you said will spread around the school and presto, no more Toby and you!”

         “You’re such a bitch.” I told her straight up.

         “I may be but who’s blackmailing who here?”


         “Ok so let’s go over what you’re gonna say, I’ll pretend to be the person who gives a shit. So how was your date with Toby?”

         “It was okay, but his singing was really bad.” I replied with no expression.

         “No, wrong. Do it again and get it right. Also you need to make it sound like you aren’t bored.”

         I sigh and uttered through clenched teeth, “Fine.”

         “So how was your date yesterday?” She asked.

         “It was okay, but his singing at the end was really bad.” I replied, sounding really bitchy about it.

         “What?” came a voice from behind me.

         I spun around to see Toby standing five feet away, standing just outside of the double doors. ‘Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!’ But there on his face sat the saddest expression I had ever seen; his mouth was slightly open and his eyes looked like a puppy’s who had just been slapped in the face. I suppose that was like a slap in the face.

         “No Toby, I didn’t…” but that was all I got out before he ran back into the school.


Oh shit! How would you react if you were being blackmailed by Diamond?

What would you be thinking if you were in Toby's shoes?

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