Part 19- Does Toby Have A Secret?

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         Dear Rowin,


         ‘Holy crap, she can’t even spell my name.’


         You should know Toby only asked you out as a joke. Everyone knows what Joel did and I can’t believe that you really think anything’s going to go differently this time. You’re pathetic. By the way, Toby and I are dating, we just haven’t told anyone. That’s how I know it’s all fake. So quit thinking he actually wants you because I know for a fact he’s never going to be your boyfriend. He wants me, not you. Also, just think about how sex-crazy teenage boys are. Think of where his hands have been.


         I swallowed as I finished reading it. ‘Could it be true? Could she really be dating Toby? I already knew it was a joke but I didn’t think the joke was that big.’ Then I considered what that last part really meant, how sex-crazy teenage boys are and where his hands have been I bit my lip, ‘Has he really done that with…HER? Despite being a douche, Toby seems fairly innocent. But I suppose he IS a teenage boy…’

         I decided to deny all the thoughts racing through my mind and write a little reply to Celeste in blue marker to differentiate between her writing and mine-

         Alright girl, I understand and know that it’s probably a joke but there is no way you’re dating him.

         I passed the paper to her and she read it without hesitation. I studied her face as she frowned and scrunched up her nose. Then she grabbed her pencil to write probably a bitchy response.

         It only took her seconds before the paper was in front of me again.


       Well it’s your fault for not believing the truth. I was actually trying to help you NOT get hurt but whatever, suit yourself.

         “Bullshit.” I said quietly.

         “Ooh, passing notes are we?” Asked Wes as he reached across the table and snatched the paper out of my hands in one swift movement. Once Celeste saw what happened, she, even faster, yanked it out of his hands. The entire event happened within about 3 seconds. Since it happened so fast, it made everyone at our table look at Celeste and I, even Toby woke up and stared at us.

         “Woah,” began Kristoff, “I think the girls have a secret.”

         “I don’t have a secret, but she does.” I said slyly, pointing to Celeste with my thumb before picking up my pencil and continuing my drawing.

         “Wanna spill?” asked Ross, raising his eyebrows and smiling, “Cuz if you don’t, everyone around the school’s gonna find out you have something to hide.” Ross is the gossip KING- if he finds out anything gossip-worthy it’ll fly around the school faster than a Boeing 747 and often with many little lies added in.

         “You wouldn’t.” She said with her teeth clenched.

         “You know I would.” Ross told her with a devilish smirk.

         She then got up without another word and walked out of the classroom, every pair of eyes on her.

         “So do you wanna tell us?” Ross asked me instead.

         “Course I do.” I told him, not looking up from my drawing, “But I won’t.”

         “Why not?” Toby questioned.

         “Table two,” the teacher shouted, “quiet down or you’re all going to the office.”

         I was actually pretty relieved that I wouldn’t have to keep saying no to them. The reason I didn’t tell them was because I wasn’t that type of person. I 100% WANTED to tell them she’s apparently dating Toby but I just couldn’t.


*Gasp* Do you think Toby could REALLY be dating Celeste?

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