Part 5- Closet Fangirl

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         “And begin.” Said Mr. Thompson, “I’ll be at my desk and you may ask me questions but no stupid ones. Get to work.”

         I wasn’t looking at Toby but I could see him turn to face me, “Hi partner.”

         Without looking at him I replied, “I’d rather be partners with the wall.”

         “Ouch.” He spoke. I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not but regardless, I felt bad. I wanted to apologize but at the same time I wanted to punch him.

         We eventually began working on our summary but completed it within 20 minutes and still had around a half hour left. Toby wrote his name and I wrote mine before I picked it up and took it to Mr. Thompson.

         “First ones done.” He said as he took the paper from me, “Before you return to your seat, could I speak to you in the hall for a minute?”

         Fear overwhelmed me as I replied, “Okay.”


         ‘Oh crap I’m in trouble. Is he gonna take my phone? Did I do something bad?’ I began thinking of every bad thing I’d done in the past week, even things I did at home.

         He stood up and I followed him out the door. I could feel every pair of eyes watching me, which made it even more nerve-wracking. “Don’t worry Rowan, you’re not in trouble.” He said after I closed the classroom door. Even tho he said I wasn’t in trouble, I couldn’t let go of the thought that I had done something wrong. “I just wanted to know if Toby was bothering you a little too much?”

         No duh he was bothering me a lot! But I didn’t wanna tell him that! If I did, it would’ve resulted in one or two of three ways: Toby would get moved away from me, or I would get moved away from Toby, and/or Toby would get in trouble. “No. He’s annoying at times but he’s not too bad.”

         Mr. Thompson was a simple, mostly-carefree teacher and most people thought he was the kind of teacher to just sit at his desk and do his serious, teacher work. I, on the other hand, knew he listened to every conversation going on around him at the same time he completed all his work. He was so much smarter than everyone thought and I knew that when I told him Toby wasn’t that bad, he didn’t believe me. He didn’t say anything more, he just nodded his head and gestured to the door. I opened it and returned to my desk.

         “What did you do?” Toby asked as soon as I sat down.

         “Nothing.” I replied simply.

         “Then what did he say?”

         I had to think of something to say quickly or he would’ve kept questioning me. After all, I didn’t wanna tell Toby it was because of him, “He asked me if I had anything else to work on because I always finish quickly.”

          “Okaaaay.” He said skeptically.

         ‘He SO did not believe me.’


         The rest of English went by pretty fast once I started listening to music. I went into my music app, tapped my Before You Exit playlist, and put it on shuffle. The first song to come on was Soldier, which I knew I couldn’t listen to in class because it made me cry, I’ll explain the reason behind that eventually. I tapped the ‘next’ arrow and Heart Like California began playing; I immediately smiled.

         You see, I was a secret Before You Exit fangirl. I had posters of them all over my room, a BYE bracelet, and a couple shirts, and more. Despite knowing two of the McDonough brothers personally (sort of), I still freaked out over their songs, new pictures of them, interviews, and more. I never told anyone this for fear that they’d think I was weird because yes, they would.


Do you think anyone will find out about Rowan's secret obsession? If so, who?

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