Part 20- Interruptions And Distractions

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         ‘3:09pm. One minute. Please go by slower time.’ At that point, I was still debating whether I should go with Toby or not. I knew I was going to embarrass myself whether it was a joke or not. But no matter what thoughts went through my head, one that really stuck was what Celeste told me. I just couldn’t get over ‘Toby and I are dating’ and ‘where his hands have been’. I shivered at the thought.

         Once the bell rang, I slowly packed up all my stuff and Toby mimicked my speed. ‘Come on Toby, go faster.’ Then I began going quicker and so did he. I rushed over to the teacher and gave her my quiz then speed walked out of the room.

         “Hey slow down!” Toby shouted as he ran up beside me, “Why are you in such a hurry? You’ve got nowhere to be but with me.”

         ‘Oh my god.’ It felt like he actually wanted to be with me and I was kind of starting to think he did. But at the same time I thought he was playing a pretty believable joke. I didn’t know what to expect!

         We walked back to our hall without any more words. He stopped at his locker and I continued to mine. It was only about a minute later when Toby showed up beside me with his backpack flung over his right shoulder. I hurried to get all my stuff in my backpack and lock my locker before Toby got impatient. He watched me the entire time and I felt so uncomfortable.

         As soon as I slung my backpack over my shoulder, Toby spoke up, “Ready to go?” I nodded and we walked out the back doors.

         We headed towards downtown but were only 100 feet from the school when I heard a few teenage boy voices, “Hey Toby wait up!”

         Before I knew it, Toby’s friends were surrounding us, “What’s up guys?” he asked them.

         “Just coming to hang with you guys!” answered Lane.

         I began getting more angry than nervous. ‘Did Toby plan to have his friends come along?’ At least I didn’t care as much as I could’ve…until we reached downtown 5 minutes later.

         Toby had been completely distracted by his friends and I just tagged along a couple feet behind them. “Where’d the nerd go?” asked Eliot before turning around to see me. Within seconds, I was sucked into the middle of the crowd of 6 boys.

         “So how far you hoping to go with little Toby here?” asked Joel and I knew my face was bright red.

         “I think she’s hoping to hit a home run!” stated Wes. Followed by a bunch of ‘Ooh’s from the guys.

         I looked at Toby and he was laughing his head off. ‘Well apparently he thinks I’m a joke…’

         “I think she’s asking permission from Toby!” said Kristoff when he saw where I was looking.

         “Or maybe she’s thinking about where to grab him.” added Eliot, raising his eyebrows at me.

         At that point I’d heard more than enough from the immature, perverted, 15 and 16-year-old boys. “ENOUGH!” I screamed and stopped in my tracks in the middle of the sidewalk, causing Lane and Wes to smack into the back of me. Then I turned to Toby with a scowl on my face, “You said this wasn’t a joke but I knew it was! Why didn’t you just save yourself the time and tell me all you wanted to do was make fun of me? Huh? Leave me the hell alone and never talk to me again! All of you!”

         And with that, I pushed out of the crowd and ran as fast as I could towards my house.


What do you think is going to happen between Toby and Rowan now??

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