Part 25- Brother Problems

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         “So what time do you have to be home by?” Toby asked me.

         “Five,” I told him, “which is in twenty minutes.”

         Toby nodded, “How about I walk you home?”

         “If you want to.”

         He smiled, “Of course, we couldn’t just end this lovely date by saying bye now could we?”

         Toby held my hand as he walked me the fifteen minutes back to my house. We hardly talked on the way but I liked it like that. I had a feeling that I’d embarrass myself horribly if he asked me anything. I did almost trip over an uneven spot on the sidewalk but I was pretty sure Toby didn’t notice.

         When we got back, we both stopped at my front door and Toby turned to face me, sill holding my hand. “I really hope you had a good time, cuz I did. I know this probably didn’t start like you hoped it would with my friends being idiots, but they’re guys, you can’t blame them too much.”

         ‘Yes I can.’


         “But thank you for giving me a chance to get to know you a little.”

         Toby smiled a gentle smile and stepped closer to me. I continued to look directly into his eyes, unaware my mouth was slightly agape. ‘What’s going on here? Is he going to kiss me? Oh my god he is!’ I didn’t know what to do at that moment, ‘Have I been staring at him too long? Should I look away? But he’s looking back at me. Maybe I should blink. Will that ruin the moment?’ He then leaned just the slightest bit closer to me. ‘This is it! Oh gosh I’m so scared.’ But all of a sudden, Toby pulled away and stepped back, letting go of my hand. It took me entirely by surprise and I froze.

         “See you tomorrow Rowan.” Said Toby.

         My mind was completely confused and I had no idea what to think, “Uh, bye.” I managed to stutter out.

         I was still so confused about whether he was going to kiss me or just intended to tease me…until he stopped walking, turned back towards me, winked, and continued walking down the driveway.

         “Tease.” I mumbled.

         I stood there thinking about what just happened for a minute before heading inside. Though I only made it a foot inside the door before I was abruptly surrounded and trapped against the wall by Riley and Eric. They were like metal filings attracted to a magnet. ‘Shit, I forgot he was here.’


         “What were you doing kissing my brother?” Asked Riley, angrily.

         “I-I didn’t kiss him.” I replied, nervously.

         “Then what was all that on the doorstep?”

         I opened my mouth but it took a second for the words to come out, “I honestly don’t know.” I quietly said, looking down at the floor. I wished it was something but I wasn’t sure whether to think anything of it or not.

         “Look Rowan,” began Riley, “I don’t want my best friend’s sister getting involved with my little brother. It’s weird and wrong.”

         ‘Alright, cut the crap mind, it’s time to become enraged.’ “Oh really? And how the FUCK are you gonna stop me?” I asked with emphasis on the profanity as I folded my arms across my chest and hoped to shock him a little with my outburst. It didn’t work.

         Riley leaned away from me a bit and mimicked my folded arms while he answered both calmly and smoothly, “I have my ways.”

         Both boys then left and I ran up to my bedroom, unlocked the door, ran in, and flopped down on my bed. ‘I have my ways.’ It echoed through my head and I was scared. So scared. ‘What does it mean? He could blackmail me and Toby would for sure be creeped out by everything that has to do with me. But if that’s not what he means, what are his intentions if I don’t leave his brother alone? He could physically hurt me, but I don’t suppose he would. He could spread rumors saying anything he wants. But, whom would you believe- a devilishly handsome celebrity or a skater girl whom no one pays attention to anyway?’


Stay calm, Rowan! You can get through this! So what do you think Riley meant by 'I have my ways'? X.x

Please please comment/vote! Thank youuuuu!

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