Chapter 19

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Love me like you do,

like you do.

Hold me tight and don't let go.

What am I to do?

When you love me

Like you do, like you do.

Hold me tight and don't let go. -Love me like you do by Ellie Goulding


When Luke said that he thought I didn't love him anymore I was shocked he would ever think of that until I realised, at the hospital when I wasn't replying to him and ignoring him it made him feel more to blame than anything and left out I guess. I signed and flopped back onto my bed, laying ontop of the bed covers. Why is life so complicated? I saw Luke just staring at the floor, not wanting to give me eye contact. "Hay." When I didn't get a response I sat up and put my hand on his shoulder. "Luke this isn't your fault. Me being me I was being a stubborn female dog and I assumed you didn't want to be in our babies future." I looked at my small fingers and let the silence fill the bedroom until he spoke. "I was worried of what a Father I would be to our baby. I just freaked but that is the least of our problems at the moment, have you heard any news about your Mother?" Now he was looking at me. I tried to keep the tears in but they kepted falling. I shook my head as I felt Luke embrace me in a hug. I sobbed into his sweater as he held me tighter in his arms. "Shhh it will be okay Hope, I promise." Luke whispered into my ear but it didn't make me stop crying. Because nothing was fine, my mother is in a comar, my sister lefted us to marry some person in Bali and I am about to have a baby in a few months and on top of all of this it's my birthday soon. Happy bloody birthday!


For a few hours I stayed still in Luke's arms as he held me tight. Luke's decided to take me out tonight to watch a movie and dinner so I've decided to get changed now while he is out getting God knows what. I have decided to wear dark blue skinny leg jeans with comfy black boots and a gray sweater with a black cotton beanie. I put some mascara on and looked into the full length mirror. I look more casual than anything which is what I wanted. My hairs getting longer and longer every day and it seems to be getting lighter.. Is that even normal? I dont even know. I grabbed my bed sheets and blanket and started walking out my bedroom until I heard a 'thump.' I turned around and looked to see my diary has fallen onto the floor. I walk over to it and pick it up with a smile. I chuck my blanket and bed sheets onto the floor and grabbed a pen on my bedside table while I sat down on my bed across legged. I sign, here we go.

Dear Diary,

Hello we meet again. So this diary entry is going to be short so don't really expect details. My mother is in a comar from driving off the London Bridge, Natalie has left us to get married in Bali with some dude I have no idea who the hell he is - Probably a drugo, Luke has moved in with us and I am pregnant. Yes pregnant and even though I am a young teenager and people think teenagers shouldn't be parents but I feel like I should be. It actually might be the only happiness I will have in life - to have my own family. Is it weird to think that your baby is a girl? I just have that feeling. Anyway Luke is taking me out for tea and also to see a movie which apparently is a suprise. So that's pretty much it so maybe I will write sooner.


I placed the diary ontop of my bedside table and looked at my blanket and bed sheets. "Well these aren't going to get washed on there own." I whispered as I got off my bed, grabbed them and walked out of my room to the washing machine down the hallway. As they were being washed I decided to read Looking For Alaska for the 100th time until Luke found his way to the front door. "Hey whatacha reading?" he said as he plocked his arse onto the couch next to me. "Looking For Alaska." I replied as I rest my head onto his chest. After a few seconds I realised this wasn't very comfy so I decided to lay down so my head was on his lap. "Comfy?" Luke said amused. "Yep now I am." I simply say still reading. "So is Bob." I looked at him mouth wide open and smacked him with my book. "That is not funny!" I try to hide my laughter as he just smirks.

That prick.

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