Chapter 6

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After hours of agreeing with Dia, we finally went to the club. My feet already hurt because of these big ass heels that I am forced to wear. We apparently passed as an 18+ because of our "sexy outfits" like the hell? Dia is wearing a very VERY tight dress walking like a super model while I am pulling mine down every 2 minutes and trying not to break my neck. Yes I love the dress but what I didn't realise is that it tries to come up when you walk. Funny that.

I followed Dia and Steven in the club trying not to lose them at the same time. "Can we have 3 shots?" I heard Dia yell at the bar guy over the music. After a few minutes of taking in my surroundings I noticed a guy in black jeans and a V neck shirt with his brown hair styled and his perfect crystal blue eyes staring right at me. "Hope, this is yours. Drink up", Steven gave me my shot which made me break eye contact with the guy across the room. I looked at Steven and drank my shot and practically chocked from the burning sensation in my throat. Steven yells something but I don't hear because the music was too loud but Dia gave me another shot. I looked at her and screamed "Are you serious?" but she only smiled at me and talked off with some random. Yep she's already drunk and we've only been here for God knows. I grabbed the small shot and looked at it. "Kill my hangover tomorrow" and I drank it all and yet my throat burn as I tilt my head back. "Hey I'm Luke" I heard a guys voice. I turn around to notice it was the guy who was staring at me across the room.


"You done drinking yet Hope?" Luke said as he smiled at me and stood next to me. "NOPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I say as I drink the last shot on the table. Okay I was drunk by a long shot but I didn't care about the hangover that would occur tomorrow. "Okay I think we should take you back to Dia's house" Luke snakes his arm around my waist as I pout at him. "Come on" He said as he guided me out the club carefully. Luke and I walk down the dark streets that are only supported with a little light every few metres. "So what house is Dia and Steven's again?" Luke asked me as he turned to look at me. "I thought you were Steven's friend? How on Earth do you not know where his house is?!" I yell at him. Okay may have woke the whole neighbourhood. "Maybe because it's dark and I haven't been to Steven's new house because I have been in Cali for 2 years" "It's this one Luke" I say as I walk up to the door and put the keys in and open the front door. I look at Luke and walk in to see him follow. I locked the front door and walked to Dia's room to get an overnight bag. I quickly grab an oversized shirt and some comfortable shorts to wear to bed and walk to the bathroom to get changed.

I walked out the bathroom to see Luke sitting on the bed looking at the ground with something in his hand. Oh no he has got it. "What are you doing?" my voice was quiet as tears were going down my cheeks. "" Luke tried to speak but his words couldn't make a sentence. "I'm sorry..." I said as I looked down at the carpet. Luke came up to me and embraced me in a hug which I gave back. Please never go through my stuff ever, I thought. "Please don't use this ever, you cannot cut. You cannot commit suicide. I won't let you, I won't let you die. You have a whole life in front of you Hope... Please don't" I flinched when I realised he was crying. He was crying on my shoulder.. On my shirt. But why. I was nothing to him, I only met him tonight but it feels as though I met him when I was 5 years old.

"You don't know why I do it though Luke, you have no idea..." Tears go down my face more quicker as I hold tighter on him. "Try me Hope" He said weakly to me with his head still on my shoulder facing the other side. I gulp as I try to find words to put in a sentence.

"I have cancer"

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