Chapter 32

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As I watch the last episode of the first season of Chasing Life I realised a few things,

1. We both became victims of cancer at an early age.

2. We both were living life doing what we both did best - writing and hanged out with some friends. But that all changed when we got hit with cancer and thirdly we both ended up in a relationship. Of course she hasn't had children but she probably will later in life if possible. I feel like April and I are connected and not just because we both have cancer but because we share a bond like no one truly understands but ourseleves and its probably a good thing that it stays that way.

As I moved to a laying position I realised that Angel had finally fallen asleep on my chest with her little fingers around my index finger. I looked down and smiled at her as I placed a small kiss on her forehead. This was all too perfect until you get the voice in the back of your head saying "remember only a few weeks". I hate it, the fact that I will die before my baby is grown up. I haven't told Luke yet but I am waiting for the right time. Who am I kidding? there never is a right time. I signed as I held my baby closer to my chest and began to close my eyes and let darkness consume me.





I woke up with a very dark lounge room and an empty arms.. Wait wheres Angel? I got up and ran to each room in the house as I freaking out as I saw no baby or Luke. I looked at the clock and realised it was 10pm. I grabbed my phone and realised I had two messages from 2 hours ago from Luke and also Drew.   I unlocked my phone and read Luke's message with nerves on edge.

Hey baby,

I've taken Angel with me to meet up with Drew to give you some rest. I'll probably only be out for less than an hour.

Love you

Luke xx

My heart sank as I looked back at the clock, this was 2 hours ago.. Luke's never late and if he is, he messages me... I looked at Drew's message next as my hands began to shake uncontrollably.

Hey sis!

I was wondering if Luke was still coming with Angel?

He's late and he's never late so I thought he may have bailed.

If he has it's okay just wanted to know.


As I looked at the screen and read it at least 5 times I quickly dialed Luke's number but only making it go to voicemail. I groaned as I did it for the second time and got nothing different. I quickly put in Drew's number and finally get somewhere.


I hear Drew's voice in panic making me feel 10000 times worse.

"Have you heard from Luke? I only just got up to find he isn't here and neither is Angel. I'm starting to seriously worry."

I say as I wait for a response.

'Oh my God..."

I hear Drew whisper on the other side of the line a few moments later. I stay silent until he whispers for me to turn on the TV to the news. I did what he said and then all my dreams came crushing down.



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