Chapter 13

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When it was 12pm, I decided to go home as I told mum I would be home in the afternoon. Luke said he would drive me so I let him without a second thought. Driving back home I smiled as I looked out the window. My life has officially turned up side down meeting Luke. He gave me a point of view and something to push me through cancer to survive and for that I am grateful. If someone told me I was going to meet a stranger at a night club and go out with them I would of laughed and say thats impossible but it is. For me it is and it was. All in just a few weeks, a few months. I looked down into my lap, why did I deserve such happiness in life for a guy I've fallen head over heels.

"What are you thinking about Hope?" Luke asked as his hand went on my thigh making me stop my little daydreaming. "Just how lucky I am to actually have some hope in my life when you suddenly opened a door to my was miserable life." I answered with a smile looking at him.

"Thank you."


When I was finially home I walked up stairs and collapsed on my bed with a groan. Mum told me I had to go to the hospital for check ups again and it just made my whole day feel like a nightmare. Everything was perfect until I got home.

In the end the check ups were nothing and I was fine for the moment. The rest of the day I watched dumb Dora the fuckin explorer with Bella while Nat and Drew were baking pancakes. Yes in the afternoon but my famiy is not normal and normal is boring okay. Were the best non normal family out there.

Dear Diary,

Hello again. So lately I have been hanging out with Luke. Well he's my boyfriend now I guess.. Is this normal for a girl with cancer? I mean I'm happy with Luke but is this going to last? I hope so. I suppose this is a normal teenager life having boyfriends or girlfriends and have friends and family around you but what will happen if my cancer spreads through my body so fast they can't slow it down? what will happen? Of course I'll die but what happens to my family, my friends and Luke? I'll be united with my Father but how will they cope? If I do die, I want my family to still live their daily life has though nothing was happened but understand I'm with Dad.

BUT ANYWAY I'll tell you about my date with Luke so this diary entry won't be too depressing..

I wrote about my date with Luke and what happened after which took me awhile.

I hope Mum doesn't read my diary if she ever did I would hope I am dead. Too many things are in that diary and I would be screwed what half the stuff I have wrote in there. I heard footsteps and quickly hid my diary under my pillow and locked it. My little sister Bella giving me a toothless grin smiled at me as she ran up to me and sat on my lap. "Sooooooooooooooo how was the date?" "Bella you shouldn't know what a date is at your age" I said as I smiled at her. She's a cutie. "Drew and Nat told me!" She screamed happily at me making her light brown eyes huge. "Oh really?" I was very amused as you can tell. Bella is a noisy little shit that gets random infomation from the weirdest things. Once she wanted to know what Jesus was and at her age she had no idea until she tried to read The Bible. Now she is only five years old so keep that in mind. "Drew said he went on a date with Taylor Swift!" as soon as she said that I started too laugh uncontrolably as Bella looked at me clueless. "AND NAT SAID SHE WENT ON A DATE WITH CHANGING!" by now I lost the plot and was pissing myself as I sat up on the edge of the bed. "That's not true because he's mine!" I say as she smiles at me. Little shit, I thought.

"Well I hope not because then I'd have to get you back wouldn't I?" I looked up and went red when I saw Luke near my door frame. "LUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Bell got up from her spot on my lap and ran to Luke to hug him. "Hey kiddo." he said as he picked her up in his arms. "Do you want to go find Molly and Holly? We'll take them on a walk soon." Bella squealed and run down the stairs to find the dogs. "Be careful Bell!" I yell as I hear her giggle downstairs. Yep little shit alright.

"So wheres my hug and kiss princess?" I look at him and smirk. "Come and get it prince." Luke grinned as he started walking towards me. When he got close to me, he bent down to my eye level. "It would be my pleasure." he said as he kissed my lips.


"So how was the check up yesterday?" Luke asked as he rubbed circles on the back of my small pale hand. I signed as I looked at the roof "It was fine." "That's not what I mean Hope." I turned my neck to look at him. We're now laying down on my light baby blue bed cover holding hands. "I dont know I mean yes I'm fine but for how long exactly? No one knows and that's what scares me."


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