Chapter 24

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I woke up in the warm arms of my boyfriend- fiancé. I looked at the beautiful ring and smiled as I kept twisting it on my finger. I turned over to face Luke and snuggled into his chest to steal his warmth. He pulled me into his chest even more and laid his chin on top of my head. I looked at him as he opened his eyes and starred at my own. Luke leaned in and kissed my lips as he moved on top of me. I put my hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. Luke grinned at me and kissed my nose and moved off me putting his weight on his arms.

"I love you."

Luke said as he looked at me with a soft smile.

"I love you too."

I say to him and looked from the wall to him. I smiled and kissed his forehead as I got out of the bed in my nighty and walked to the shower. I took off my nighty and underwear off and jumped in the warm shower. I put shampoo and conditioner in my short brown hair. I looked at my arm realizing I had a bruise but it didn't just look like a normal bruise. I started to freak as I washed myself and scrubbed my skin harder on the bruise.

"No, no don't come back."

I whisper softly as I frustratedly try and rub it off my body.

"Are you okay?"

Luke yelled out from the bedroom.

"Yes I'm fine!"

I yell back over the noise of the shower water. I stop and take a deep breath.

"I'll be fine I am just overreacting over this stupid bruise."

I turn off the shower and get out putting the towel around my fragile body. I walk out passing Luke to get a black bra and underwear matching set and put them on. Luke got in the shower just after me. I grabbed a long sleeved black dress with some black tights with black vans to hide the bruise that may or may not be cancer. I replaced the towel in my hair to a random bandanna I grabbed from my wardrobe. I put light foundation on with some eyeliner and mascara. Luke came out after a few minutes as I was laying on the bed with dark jeans and a dark sweater. He came up to me and picked me up.

"You know, you don't need makeup."

Luke said as carried me bridal style down to the kitchen.

"And why is that?"

I asked into his chest.

"Because you're beautiful without it."

He stated matter of fact.

"Well I think I need it."

I said as he put me down so I was able to stand as I grabbed two mugs and put the kettle on.

"Bloody females."

Luke whispered as if I didn't hear what he just said a meter away from me.

"Well hun, your gonna have to get used of it because you are going to be living with two."

I smirked as Luke looked at me with confusion and then laughed.

"It's a boy, not a girl."

"Well your going to have a hard time if it's female."

I smiled as grabbed the low fat milk in the fridge and then the milo out the small pantry.

"We should think of names.. for the baby."

I put the milo into the mugs and some water from the boiled kettle and then the milk.

"Well I'm open for suggestions."

I said as I sneakily stole a marshmallow and popped it in my mouth.

"I was thinking for a boy.. Augustus-"

before he could finish his sentence, I choked on a marshmallow. I coughed it up as Luke looked at me with a smirk.

"Die quietly."


"As you were saying."

I tried to get back onto topic which almost was successful until Luke saw that I had the marshmallow bag hiding in one of the top draws.

"Hay! you said they were gone."

Luke said with sqinting eyes. I shrugged.

"They ARE gone.. In my stomach."

Luke leaned over the counter and stole the bag to take a few to only realize there was none left. I smirked at satisfaction.

"As you were saying babe?"

I grinned and looked at him as I saw the horrid emotions plastered on his face. He looked back at me.

"Yes. Augustus or George."

"OKAY NOT HAPPENING! We can have an Augustus Waters but there is no way in hell you are having a George."

I said as Luke chuckled.

"And if it's a girl?"

I asked as I placed my elbows on the kitchen counter, starring at him for an answer.

"Well I thought I'd leave that up to you."

I smiled and drank my hot milo.

"How about..."

I paused for a minute until a flashback occurred from what happened in the hospital when I realized I was pregnant after my suicide attempt.


I whispered.

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