Chapter 27

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So its 5pm I have no idea what the hell I am wearing and the party starts in 6pm. I looked through my clothes and groan loudly for the hundredth time and plonk my ass on the floor until I saw something red in my wardrobe underneath all the junk. I crawled to the object and pulled it out until I had it in both hands in the air. I smiled at the shirt, it must have been Dias shirt when we were celebrating someones birthday a few years back. It was a red and black patterned shirt with a rose on the right side of the shirt. I grabbed my denom jeans and changed. I grabbed my black cardigan out and cheap black volleys out from there spot and put some makeup. I grabbed some dark eyeshadow, lip gloss and mascara. As I finished putting make up on, Dia came into my bedroom.

"Hey.. is that what your wearing for tonight?"

Dia asked as I turned around. She was wearing a black long sleeved dress with some light tights underneath with some slip ons.

"Yeah I didn't exactly want to wear a dress or heels being heavily pregnant."

I laughed as I imaged me walking with heels heavily pregnant all night.. Not a pretty sight.

"Hey Hope.. is that my old shirt?"

I smiled looking down at the memories this shirt had.

"Is it okay if I wear it tonight?"

Dia smiled at me and embraced me in a hug.

"Of course."

We stayed like this in silence until it had to be broken by Steven.

"Hey bitches."

We all laughed and left to get to the party before we were late.


Everything was done and finished and now all of us where waiting for Ella to arrive. Some people were drinking vodka, beers and wines but I stayed far away from it even being underage I would rather try get drunk when I am not a teen mom thats pregnant. I was looking around until I realised Ella's brother Evan came in with Ella behind him having no clue what was going on. We all screamed as she began to cry and with most of us individual hugs.

"Thank you so much for this guys! you really didn't have to do this because all of you guys are invited to my funeral. "

I speed walked to Ella and gave her a hug and started crying as did she.

"I'm so sorry it had to happen to you."

I said sobbing into her shoulder.

"Dont be Hope."

She kissed my forehead as she went on.

"I'll be with the God and the rest of the angels. I will look down on you and your baby always."

I sobbed harder and held her tighter.

"Angel won't be able to meet you in person.."

"She will one day Hope and we both will again."

We both left our brace and until I felt something... something leaking from inbetween my legs and going down my legs in my jeans.

"Oh my God.."

I whispered. Ella looked alarmed as did the people around us.

"I think my water broke."

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