Chapter 4

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"MUM!" I yell as I walk through the front door with my iPhone in my hands waiting to be ringing by the impatient Dia Moree. "Yes dear, in the kitchen!" My mother Tesa. I walk into the kitchen where my mother was cooking dinner for us for later if we get hungry as she is going out with a few friends. "Mum could I go to Dia's tonight to watch movies and sleep over?" I ask as I kissed Bell's forehead. "Sure of course you can Hope, you just need to inform your brother and sister." "Alright thank you" I walk to my mother and kiss her cheek and help Bella with her drawings.


After I informed Drew and Natalie that I was going over Steven and Dia's house I did my usually diary entry of the day.

Dear Diary,

Went to support group again this morning... Nothing special really just a new girl and the regular visits.

Going over Steven and Dia's house tonight for a sleepover, its been awhile since we've had a sleepover or hangout. Anyway we will probably just watch movies or play video games, actually scratch that Steven will be playing video games while Dia and I watch and talk about something new or old in the news. Well nothing else is new so I may as well go and pack my over night bag.

~Hope xo

I shut my diary and hide it under my pillow. I have a lock on it of course because I wouldn't want Bella drawing her stick figures in my diary, which yes it has happened before and that is why I have a lock on it with "Don't you dare Bella" on the front and back.

I grabbed some baggy pants and shirts and some other comfortable clothes and daily morning helpings. I grabbed my phone charger and zipped up the neon clothed bag and walked out of my room. I gave Bella a hug and a kiss on the forehead as well as the pups.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I say as I got a number of goodbyes.


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If you are interested in vampire, supernatural books please check out my other book which I finished awhile ago called "The Vampire Chick"

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