Chapter 34

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Dia and Steven ended up coming over as well as my aunty, cousins, Bella, Deacon and Dan. We didn't know what to do.. We just sat there in a room together in silence. I probably looked the worse thing on the planet at the moment but I had reason. Bella had both german sheppards on her as she sat next to me. As I was starring out of space I realised something.

"We need to do something for his death and Angels.. I can't act like it didn't happen."

I whispered as I was the one to break the silence. They all looked at me with sad eyes. I can't do this, I can't fricken do this. I walked out the room and went to our room - my room and grabbed his pillow and sobbed into it.

"I miss you already.."

I said as I began to silently cry until I fell asleep curled up into a ball.


A few hours later I woke up with a headache making me get up to eat food to take something for it. As I got to the kitchen I saw a letter on the bench. I open it and begin to read it.

Dear Hope,

We will understand that this is a rough time and that right now you probably want to be left alone.. We will give you your space.

We will be hear when you need us, you just need to call out. The dogs are with us, you are just by yourself.

This letter you can either bin it, keep it - do whatever you like but just remember you have to somehow move on

even though it will be the most hardest thing to do in your life just remember he and Angel will always be apart of you.

We love you xx


As I read this I grabbed my phone and rung the hospital as I knew they wanted me to tell them how to peacefully release his spirit. I asked them if they would be able to spread the ashes over sea as I knew Luke would love it. He always wanted to be apart of the sea and I guess he finally will be. I suppose he will be in heaven with his family and with our daughter. I hung up after the conversation and smiled sadly at my ring as I fiddled with it.

"Protect her for me Luke. Look out for her and hopefully I will be up there soon with yous."

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