Chapter 1

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March 4th

Hi my name is Hope Allie Primrose. I am a young teenager at the age of 16 born and raised in London, UK. I have a great life with two German shepherds called Molly and Holly which were named after my adorable 5 little sister Bella. I have a older brother and sister called Drew and Natalie both twins and 18 years old. I have no idea how hard it is to have four children and be a single parent but yet again I'm not a parent or an expert. This life may seen beautiful but only if it were true. At a young age I was diagnosed with a cancer called leukaemia. Now before you say "what's that" or "how do you know" the answers are its a cancer that usually begins in the bone marrow and results in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells. These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells. The symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems and also feeling very tired all the time. In leukaemia there are treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, bone marrow transplant and supportive care and palliative care if needed. Victims of this cancer don't always last long but yet again no one ever does in this world anymore. This is the life I have and I know that I have it because victims like me suffer extremely and daily. Every week I have checkups on my cancer to see if its produced more in my body or if it is gone or not.

Most patients live about 6 weeks but me, I've lived for too long. Diagnosed at a young age didn't scare me. My cancer wasn't too bad then.Yeah I had operations done at the age of four but I was fine. My cancer killed but so did the rest of me. I didn't care I was going to loose my hair or I'd get heaps skinner than I already was to the point that you can see all bones in my body. I'm fine that I'm going to die quicker than other human beings.

Two weeks ago I was in hospital for a major operation because of my cancer. It came back harder than ever. They used medication,needles everything they could in the past to fight this cancer and it came back like a bitch.

It hurt a lot and they thought it was the end for me after that operation but it seemed that it wasn't my time yet.

Ever since then I go to the hospital weekly if not daily for check ups and whatever else they do to me. I don't pay any attention what stage of leukaemia I'm in or what leukaemia I have but I'm pretty sure its ALL (acute lymphocytic leukaemia) or something like that. Its one of the four but I swear its acute lymphocytic leukaemia. I guess you could say I daydream and don't care what cancer I have because in the end I am going to die and I can't do anything about it.

Because everyone dies in the end...


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