Chapter 20

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"Luke where the fk are we going?" I say frustrated. I am blind folded, as I was on our first date. Luke chuckled. "Are you frustrated my love?" I try to glare through the black blind fold which miserably failed. "Yes I am!" I pouted at him. "Sexually?" "NO I AM HORMONAL AND PREGNANT!" I groaned as he chuckled.

Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him.

"Okay we are here." Luke says as he pulls up somewhere. I felt the blind fold loosen until it fell off into my lap. I smiled at Luke as I saw where we were. "Did I seriously need to blind folded to go to Mele E Pere restaurant?" He smiled sleepishly at me and got out the car and walked to my side. He opened the passenger door for me and leaded his hand to help me get out the car. I took his hand and shut the door behind me as he lead me to the doors of the restaurant. I smiled as we entered. Its incredible, the smell of amazing Italian food.

Luke grabbed menus and walked us to a table of two while the restaurant started to built up. I smiled as I looked at the menu and then at Luke. "I haven't been here for years.." Luke smiled as he looked at me. "I know. Drew told me it was one of the places you loved to eat at." He then started grinning. "Besides Chinese food" I grinned back. "I love my Chinese food, don't hate." I pointed at him with a smile. "Pointing is rude" Luke says with a playful glare.

"So are you."


We finally ordered our tea after waiting not even 20 minutes. We both scoffed our dinner down and had some dessert just to make us feel like hippos afterwards. We left around 9pm to go watch Jupiter Ascending which seemed to be an okay movie. It didn't take long until we got home after the movies to watch some hilarious videos which were on youtube. The best one would have had to be the "Uptown Funk" video but with old grannies in it singing and dancing. Only our laughter filled the empty house and the rest was silence. I smiled as I rested my head on Luke's chest. "Do you think we will be good parents?" I mumbled as my eyes started to get droopy. I felt Luke kiss the top of my head as he signed.

"We will be the best teenage parents we can be for our child." and with those last words I fell asleep on Luke's chest listening to his heartbeat as my lullaby.

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