Chapter 7

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“I have cancer”

As soon as those words came out I felt as though a brick was lifted off my shoulders. I have no idea why but it did. I was so open to him and he was open to me but it felt like he was hiding something from me. “Why do you care about me so much? We only met tonight” I say weakly, my voice breaking. “My mother died from committing suicide thinking that it was the best solution to get away from my father. I guess it was a solution but she left her three children behind. Two young teenagers and a four year old.” Honestly, I didn’t know what to say. Luke wasn’t an only child but where are his siblings? I didn’t ask as I may already know what the answer would be so I kept quiet. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to go through that” as I held onto him tighter for a minute and let go as on cue he might want some space. “Thanks but that wasn’t the worst of it, I lost both my sisters” He paused before going on. “Annie was four when my mother and she died. Annie got a rare disease and because we were homeless and had no money she died from it. Layla and I had no idea what the disease was or how or when she got it. When we noticed something was wrong it was only a few days later she died. I never forgave myself and started stealing, drinking, smoking anything that waisted me away from my demons. Then Layla committed suicide after a few weeks not being able to handle the stress so she jumped in front of a train.” By now I was crying with Luke. Luke has had it hard, harder than me and I thought that it was so hard being a teenager with cancer that has scars all over her wrists, thighs, hips and stomach. I sat on the bed with my head in my lap “You must have thought I was such a bitch when I was saying how hard my life apparently is” I say to Luke with my head still in my lap. I heard Luke’s footsteps approach towards me. “No I didn’t. Hope you have fricken cancer, how can I think you’re a female dog when you pretty much have every right to be a little shitty and sad but you can’t let cancer defeat you and I know you won’t let that happen.” I looked at Luke.

“You have three choices. You can either let cancer define you. Let it destroy you or let it strength you” He said as he smiled down at me and crouched down to my level. “You’re a warrior Hope and you’re so strong” Luke said as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. “How do you know that?” I looked in those deep crystal blue eyes. “Because I’ve seen it. You’re a fighter and that’s something you will never let go of.”

*3 hours later*

“What are your hobbies?” Luke asked me as we lay on the floor with the TV on some random channel walking about an invention called “the asshat” I have no idea what these people are thinking or if they were thinking at all. So after 3 hours of Luke and I’s emotional state we have been getting to know more about each other even just the common things.

“I do karate, kick boxing and drag racing. You?” I say trying to keep my attention at Luke trying not to be rude. “Basketball, boxing, drag racing and soccer” I turned as soon as he said all those sports. “Are you even real?!” I said poking him which made him chuckle. “Yes, very.” “So have you ever met someone famous?” “I have met the Beckham family and Michael Jordan when I was very young” I looked at him with my jaw literally hit the floor. “I’m joking” I smacked his arm and started laughing “You ass!” This made him laugh even more so I pouted at him which made him smirk. “Awe is Hope ticklish?” Oh crap... I was shaking my head as I moved away from Luke slowly but was stopped when the wall was behind me. All of a sudden he jumped on me and tickled my sides. I screamed ‘stop’ as much as possible while laughing for what seemed to be like a century until he stopped. I looked at him and smiled. His brown hair all over the place, blue eyes looking at me with amusement in them. His shirt was showing the outline of his 6 pack; those perfect lips were just close enough to taste his breath. His strong arms on either side of me so he wasn’t crushing my tiny body and then all of a sudden his lips were on mine. Slow but perfect. Luke put his right hand on the side of my stomach without slowing or breaking the kiss and then we pulled away. I blushed so much I’m pretty sure the line “Wow isn’t it hot all of a sudden?” was right for me in this situation. I looked down trying to hide my blush and looked back at him. He was smiling at me but not in that –Oh-I-just-took-your-virginity-asshole-way but in a friendly way like that wasn’t a mistake or anything. I smiled back “Uh um thanks for being my first kiss?” why did I say that... I’m so awkward. “That was your first kiss?” Luke asked in shock which made me blush even harder and in a few moments Luke grabbed my chin and gave me a slight French kiss.


 “I love you Hope” Luke said as he held my hand and kissed it.

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