Chapter 15

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My heart literally stopped.
My breathing. My brain. Everything.
I look around the room as my breaths felt like they were shortening. Tears started to appear on my pale cheeks. Everything felt so cold. So dark.

I hang up the phone without any hesitation and walked to my bathroom. I looked in my cubits for the razer. Drew will be here soon, I thought. Lets make this quick and easy.
I found the razor and lifted up my sleeves of my sweater. I lowered the razor to my wrist and I fight back the tears.

"I'm sorry Luke but I can't handle this anymore." I whispered. "Have a good life without me." And with that I cut as deep as possible and collapsed onto the bathroom ground.

I groan as the noise repeats and repeats driving my headache mad. I slowly open my eyes but shut them by sudden light. "Hey looks like my Princess is up." I turn my head to my right and see him there. My Luke. I smiled weakly until I saw his red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. His smiled left his face and I knew he remembered the event earlier. "What where you thinking Hope?" Luke asks me as his eyes began to fill up with tears. "I was thinking that my time was up." I say looking down at my wrists. Yep stitchers. I heard Luke move towards me and lay on half of the hospital bed with me. Thats when I realised, I'm in a hospital bed and my mother is probably and most likely dead. "Wheres Drew?" I asked. "Wheres Bella or Natalie?" I look at Luke and he smiles sadly. "They found her body Hope. They found your mothers body." I look at him as though he was crazy but those eyes just looked at me with sadness. How is that even possible? I question myself.

"I want to see her."
"You can't Hope. They wont let you."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because Drew tried. They need to run tests or some bullshit." I looked at him with confusion. "No Natalie?" He shook his head. "I've rang her and so has Drew and your Aunty. Don't worry Bell is with your Aunty and Cousins at home and Drew is around here some where."

After an hour the doctor came into the room with a worried expression on his face. I honestly hate doctors with a passion. We walked over and Luke held my hand. "Miss Primrose-" "Just call me Hope." I said with a slight smile that he didn't give back. Bitch I was being polite! "Hope have you missed your period the last week or so? Or noticed your period hasn't came?" He asked as he looked from Luke and I. "I don't know why?" I asked very nervous of what he had to say next.

"Hope you're pregnant."

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