Chapter 3

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"Hope can you do me a favour?" Drew asks me as he finally pulled the car to a stop at the front of the building were the support group is. I look out the window and then at Drew. "Yeah?" I ask as he turns down the radio when 'She looks so perfect' by 5sos. Drew looks me deep in the eyes with no emotion "please try and make new/more friends?" I roll my eyes and look out the passenger window. "I'm being serious Hope, I know its a bit depressing going every Monday and you talk about your cancer life but please at least try and make an effort. Even if it means for you to hog the lounge room TV all night."

"Alright, alright Ill try and make an effort but I'm not making promises Drew." I say looking at my protective older brother. "I know you will" he says as he leans over and kisses my forehead. "Meet you in 3 hours sis" I get out of the car. Unfortunately Drew, I thought as I walked up the front two little steps of the building.

I walk into the building taking in the place like I do every Monday. I turn around the right hand corner to walk into the 'Support Group heart' I bump into someone. "Oops" I heard a female voice say as I fell to the ground with a 'thud.' "Omg I'm so sorry, are you okay? Here let me give you a hand" said the older lady. I look up and take her hand "its okay I'm fine, are you okay?" I ask her a bit worriedly. She gives me a small laugh "fine love, are you here for Support group?" She asks me with a small smile on my face. "Yes I am, I'm Hope Primrose" I say with a smile, a real smile on my face as I stuck my hand out for her to shake. "I'm Linda Monique, my daughter and son are battling heart disease. Their both

14 and I heard about this support group and wanted them to kinda socialise with people that are facing different but similar things." She gave me a sad smile. No one should ever see their kids dying or suffering.

Support group was starting so I did a quick goodbye to Linda and joined everyone in the circle of chairs. I sit next to my two friends Steven (battling depression and internal blindness in both eyes) and Dia who is battling breast cancer. I've known Steven and Dia since I started coming here, which has been awhile. Both Steven and Dia are 17 years old. Just a bit older than me of course but it's never been a problem for any of us because we like

Pretty much the same things and we don't really 'interact' with others.

Support groups start and everyone starts saying the usual.

•Their name


•Born and raised

•What you battle

•Hows life right now

•Am I okay

I'm always last so I am just daydream

I guess for awhile.

A girl around 13 with blue jeans and a pink top starts. "My name is Zara.... I'm 13 years old. I was born and raised in NYC. I am battling brain damage. My life is a hard but okay. I guess I'm okay I guess?" Zara sits down on her chair and looks at the ground while swinging her legs around and around.

We went around the whole circle until it came to Steven and I. Steven went first as he volunteered to go before me which I was thankful for.

It got to me within a few minutes of Nick questioning Steven and his sufferance. "Hope, would you like to go?" Nick asked smiling at me. Fuck. I don't want to but I have to. For

Drew's sake. I rise from my chair slowly. "My name is Hope Allie Primrose. I'm 15 years old. I was born in England, raised in Canada. I battle leukaemia. My life is a sufferance everyday, everyday is a battle to stay alive. I guess I'm okay." I say as everyone just stares at me. I sit as all the numbness from my feet so away. "Your a very strong girl Hope, keep it up" Nick said as he started clapping.

The rest of the time we had left we talked about inspirations and things.

No one had any inspirations other than me which of course was John Green, Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Theo James, 1D, The Vamps etc. Nick made us to pray as we were done for the day.

I was walking out of the door until I was stopped by Steven and Dia. "Can we have a movie night thing tonight at my place?" Dia asked. I looked to see if my brother was here already which he was. "I'll go home and ask mum. I'll text you guys" I say with a smile. "Hope just text me because Steven can't text back properly" Steven calls her a bitch while we just laugh. "Bye guys!" "Byeeeeee" they both say back to be as they try to knock each other out."

I walked to my brother and his green holden cruise with my iPhone in my hand. "Hey champ" Drew says as he gets into the car with me. "Hey Doodoo" He glares at me. "Don't call me 'doodoo'."

"Whatever floats ya boat Drew" I say as I look outside the window. Cold and windy now looking miserable.

"Hope, I don't have a boat..."

You do now, I thought.

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