Chapter 26

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November 3:

The house is getting a little crowded now with 5 people in it + 2 German sheppards and the stress of the party for Ella tonight is really hitting me hard. I was always the party controller when it came to things like these and I feel like it needs to be perfect- it has to be perfect. So we are starting the party around 6pm as early as possible and hopefully we can keep it running for a few hours.

I decided to finally roll out of bed as I couldn't stop tossing and turning all night and it's now 6am and I am running on 0% sleep. The bed was cold and lonely without Luke and I feel out of place being in this bedroom alone. Dia did fall asleep in my bedroom during the night and we tried spooning each other because we were freezing our nipples off but she must of went on a morning walk. I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep at all last night- I think everyone struggled.

I walked to the shower and turned it on waiting for the hot water to touch my pale skin. I hopped in and put shampoo and conditioner in my hair and thought about what the baby would look like. I smiled as I thought she would look in between a Luke and I. Adorable crystal blue eyes and the perfect shade of brown hair just like her father. She would have a cute button nose with little freckles at the age of 5 and have beautiful skin to die for. She will have high cheek bones and a perfect jawline. She will most likely be short like her mother and have amazing shaped eyebrows with light pink lips. I quickly wash myself and got out the shower when my phone started to ring. I put a red towel around me and walked as fast as I could to my bedside table to where my phone was placed. I looked at the ID and realised it was Luke.

I say questioningly in the phone.
"Well good morning to you to."
Luke says as I chuckled.
"Good morning handsome."
I had a little smile on my face as I placed a hand on my stomach.
"How's my mumma bear and baby?"
"We are good."
I said as I made a shocked noise as did the noise in my stomach.
"Babe whats wrong?"
Luke said worriedly into the phone. I smiled as I moved my hand around my bloated stomach.
"She kicked as soon as you said baby."
I heard Luke sniff on the other side of the phone.
He asked with another sniff.
"I really want to come home early to see you... It feels depressing not having you on the trip with me and the boys. What happens if the baby comes when I'm not there? You're heavily pregnant."
"We discussed this Luke. If I am in labor in the next day or so Deacon and Dan will drive you back with them. Don't stress."
I say trying to calm him down a little.
"You shouldn't be the one stressing."
I said as I flopped onto my back on my bed.
"Why? Hope that's not good for the baby."
"I have to go in labor and give birth and I also have a party to make sure is perfect for Ella."
I signed as I rubbed my eyes.
"Hope you will be okay- everything will be okay."
"I hope so. I think it's just hormones and crap."
I replied as Dia comes in. Glad my towel was still around me because I would have been horrified if she was Steven. I said goodbye to Luke as he did and sat up right.
"You ready for da party D?"
I said with a smirk.
"I was BORN ready."
I laughed at her so serious face and quickly got dressed into baggy clothes and fed Holly and Molly breakfast in the kitchen. I still haven't seen my mother and I don't think she's ever coming back if she is in a "stable condition" because she wants nothing to do with us- not even her children.

"Dia I am walking these pounds off when I give birth."
I said as I put all the pancakes on one plate with banana and strawberries with whip cream and chocolate syrup topping on the side.
"Girl that's -"
She poked my stomach lightly.
"-is baby fat. You will lose it as soon as that little bubba pops out.
I laughed at her wording as Steven, Drew and Bella decided to join us in breakfast as we were getting the pancakes and juice on the kitchen table.
Bella said practically drooling.
I said smiling.

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