2. Axel Rodriguez

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One of the many hotels owned by the Seven Serpents, was where they called home; the Torrianto Hotel and Casino in New York City. With its marble fountains, lavish chandeliers and rooms fit for kings, the hotel was by far the most extravagant in the city.

Tequila strutted in through the vast arches that marked the entrance, her red talons clutched her phone to her jewellery laden ear. The guests in the lobby stared as she spoke harshly. A flock of girls seemed to gravitate around her strikingly handsome brother trailing behind her.

"No Tyson, I am not coming to the club now. I've been working and I just want to take a hot bath."

She gave one piercing look to clear a path through the swarm around her.

"Tyrone found his mate?!" Her voice dropped to a stern whisper at the mention of a supernatural soulmate. Tiger turned to look at her in surprise.

She rolled her eyes as she told her other brother to expect her in twenty minutes, then hung up the phone abruptly as she reached the gilded, private elevator which would take them straight to the penthouse.

Twenty minutes later and Tequila was re-applying her signature blood red lipstick in her mirror. She took one final look at her reflection staring back at her. Decked in a black strapless, corset top, gold and black skin-tight leggings and designer gold shoes, she was dressed to the nines. Her ears dripped in priceless gold earrings whilst her neck held a simple silver chain with a sentimental ring attached, identical to the ones her brothers also wore. The emerald green haired beauty ran her pale fingers through her cropped locks deciding to leave them tousled for the night. She had switched back to her human form after using the human form of her wolf as disguise during the heist. Powerful wolves like her had the ability to allow their wolf side to come forward whilst still in their human form which often led to them look how they were naturally. Whilst in this form any physical alterations such as hair dye or tattoos temporarily disappeared. In her wolf form, Tequila's hair was the bright moonlight white colour that she and her brothers had all shared at birth before they dyed the distinct colours they now had for protection. Her wolf Athena looked identical to her in every way other than having eyes the colour of the deepest blood. Though Tequila was the only wolf that she knew who could do this, all werewolves had the ability to communicate with their wolf and other wolves in their pack, through their minds.

"Hey you can almost not tell that you'd rather be eating ice cream in bed tonight!" Athena giggled.

Tequila rolled her eyes at her wolf in the mirror as she grabbed her handbag and exited the room.


The early December air was raw and she could feel the wind like needles on her bare skin as she wound through the streets on her sleek Harley Davidson. The newest to her ever-growing collection of magnificent motorbikes. After her short venture through the traffic of a typical Saturday night she arrived in front of the deluxe Python Nightclub. One of the many clubs owned by the Seven Serpents. This one, however, was the favourite amongst the siblings as it marked the spot where their ambitious gang was born. The familiar thudding beat of dance music could be heard through the open doors as she sauntered past the mile-long queue of eager club goers and headed straight for the bar.

"Whiskey. Neat."

Several protests arose as she was immediately served by the nearest bartender.

"Here you go hun," said Tequila's best-friend as she brushed her wild ginger curls out of her face.

She thanked the Turkish-Irish wolf before allowing herself to relax slightly as the amber liquid burnt her throat and warmed her numb body. She looked out to the dance floor to see Tiger with his face already attached to another random girl. She rolled her eyes in amusement. Athena reassured her their scent was masked as the head bartender spoke to her again.

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