23. I Control You

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For what was now the third time, she awoke unaware of her surroundings. Only this time, she was swimming in soft sheets and felt like she was lying on clouds. The room around her was bright and decorated stylishly and expensively.

"I have got to stop waking up in new places like this," she yawned.

"I agree," said a deep voice, making her growl.

She looked around the room to find a half dressed King sat in a plush armchair in the corner. He was watching her as though she might fall apart at any moment.

"What on earth are you doing here?" she scowled, "actually I have a better question, WHERE THE HELL AM I?"

"Glad to see they didn't cut out your tongue," he grumbled.


"Cr*p you're cranky at two am," he sighed, "you're in a guestroom in my home."

"You mean the palace."

"Well last time I checked that is where I live."

They stared at each other for a moment, a slight crackle of electricity in the air.

"So why am I here?"

"Hmm let me think," he said stroking his stubble mockingly, "I was running through my territory trying to clear my head after a disastrous meeting with the Crescent Council and all of a sudden I saw you scrambling through the trees."

"Scrambling! I was not scrambling, I was running for my life," she lifted her chin defiantly.

"Whatever you say," he said watching her performance with amusement.

"Just hurry up and tell your story so I can leave," she huffed.

"You were clearly distracted and so you ran straight into my rock hard abs," she rolled her eyes at him dramatically, "anyway you hit me with such force it knocked you out. So I did the gentlemanly thing and brought you back here to safety."

"You brought me back here without my permission and then changed my clothes!"

"You're being dramatic," his eyes darkened and his demeanor changed.

"I think I have a right to!"

"I had a maid change your clothes because they had blood on them. I may be an **sh*le but I would never disrespect your privacy. Anyway would you really have preferred that I just leave you in the woods to be kidnapped again?" he snarled.


"And you look hot in my t-shirt," he winked at her.

"Is everything a big game of flirt to you?"

"Only with you darling," his purple eyes sparkled playfully.

"Well then take note that I don't just play games, I win them," she growled.

He watched her with amused eyes as she glared at him angrily. He'd never noticed the exact blue of her eyes. After a few minutes, he broke their eye contact and walked towards the door.

"We should go, your brothers are waiting for us downstairs."

"Right yes of course," she coughed and looked down at her lap, he smiled at the slight blush on her cheeks.

"There are spare clothes for you in the closet, meet us in the throne room when you're ready."

"Come on get it together Tequila, you know this can't happen," she thought to herself.

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