35. Trust?

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Once the group from Romania had settled back into the palace, Xander called his family and the Seven Serpents to a meeting in the ballroom. Dante had updated his family on the events in the Carpathian mountains whilst Tequila and Andi had informed their family. Andi had quickly been accepting by her siblings and found herself already growing attached to them. She stood with her newfound siblings as the Beta barked for silence and they turned their attention to their King.

"The attack that happened was too easy," his gruff voice rang out through the ballroom, "They knew how to get in undetected and exactly how to get to my parents without being stopped. It is clear to me that there are traitors and spies among us. The only people I can trust are those in this room. All of you have been updated on our trip to Romania and what we know about the prophecies."

The sound of a heavy door slamming made the group of wolves turn curiously to the back of the room. Xander growled at the interruption, his growl grew deeper as he recognised the scent of the woman that sauntered towards them.

As Tequila walked into the ballroom she noted the absence of guards lining the walls of the room. The increase in guards around the palace had been noticeable and it made Tequila uncomfortable, but she was more nervous about their absence. She knew there were certainly many in the Red Moon Pack that didn't trust her or her brothers and suspected that their gang was behind the attack on the palace. Her eyes found Xander's, standing on the small raised stage at the front of the room. His Beta and Delta stood beside him and their faces were stern and cold. The Xander she had grown close to in the forest was gone and the King had returned. The angry mask was back and all that was left to remind her of the man he was inside were his captivating violet eyes. They drew her in as she joined her siblings but she could not and perhaps would not look away. The spell was broken when Xander's deep voice addressed her.

"How kind of you to make time in your day to join us," he sneered.

"This is a waste of time," she retorted, "You don't trust us. I know it, you know it, hell everyone knows it. The Golden Skulls used our weapons. That means there are rats in our gang and you think either me or one of my siblings could be some of them. I think they planned that on purpose to turn us against each other, but it doesn't matter what I think because you're just so quick to blame us rogues. You're too stubborn for us to convince you otherwise."

Xander ignored her and spoke to the rest of the congregation. He knew his lack of response to her words would only anger her more, but he had a tendency to enjoy playing with fire. Especially when it was her fire.

"As I was saying, this is a test of our allyship. For now we are not to retaliate."

"WHAT?" Tequila shoved her way to the front.

"For the next two days we will put smiles on our faces and pretend there are no problems in the world," Xander continued, unfazed by her outburst.

"The next two days?" Tequila muttered confused.

"The wedding?" Kamryn whispered in her ear.

"Oh that," she said in a small voice. Xander watched as her face fell and it tugged at his heart, he couldn't bear to be the cause of her pain.

"I don't want anyone outside of this room knowing any of this. No one is to take any action against the Golden Skulls until I say so." Xander said with his Alpha voice, no one would dare go against the Alpha's orders, "Is that understood?"

There was a collection of nods and muttered yeses. Tequila didn't react but stared at him with her arms crossed and anger in her eyes.

"I'm talking especially to you Tequila, you have a history of violence." Xander said as several in the crowd chuckled and her brothers grunted in agreement.

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