28. How Foolish I Was

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A month had passed since Tequila's first meeting with Thunder and Lightning. Since, she had spent her days deep in the tunnels under the palace. The witches would meet her in the hidden rooms to grow her magic. Though they were good teachers Tequila could hardly say she was an easy student to teach, the lack of schooling in her childhood partially to blame. Thunder was brutally honest and would tell her she would never become the powerful witch she was destined to be whilst Lightning would say she was a natural at magic. Everyone knew Thunder was always right. Yet as each hour passed, she became more dangerous, a fact that made her smile wickedly. But she was all too aware of how Xander would react if he found out about her lessons so only Dante and Tiger were privy to what happened in the tunnels. She didn't think Xander would be much of a fan of her training behind his back to steal his throne. However, much to Tequila's dismay Xander's attention was rarely directed at her in the last few weeks. He'd been getting to know his horrid fiancé. Tequila wrestled constantly with if he was ignoring her or simply didn't have the time for her. She would tell herself that he was just busy planning his wedding that loomed in twenty days, not that she cared of course. As for Hadeon and the Golden Skulls there had been dead silence. They'd not made a single move against Tequila or the King for weeks now. It set all their wolves on edge and tensions in the palace were at breaking point. They knew something was coming but they couldn't do anything other than wait like sitting ducks. So, Tequila ignored everything to do with her father and her mate and focused all of her energy into her newfound magic. Within only a few weeks she had the power to wipe out an entire army with just a flick of her wrist.

"Remember an attack can happen at any moment. Always be ready." Thunder would repeat to her. It was a lesson she wished she'd paid more attention to.

"We have taught you everything we know." Lightning announced at the end of their fourth week of training.

"All we can do now is wish you luck. This is where we leave you." Thunder said, emotionless as she always was.

"It has been an honour to teach you your Majesty," Lightning said, her eyes full of emotion, and dropped into a deep bow. Surprising herself, Tequila pulled her into a hug.

"I don't know how I could ever repay you both, I can't thank you enough."

"There is no need, this was our duty to your mother. We owe her everything." Thunder patted her delicately on the shoulder. Her eyes betrayed more emotion and told Tequila more than the witch could ever show.

"But if there's ever a battle don't forget to call us, we do love a good fight." As always Lightning kept the conversation positive.

"Hopefully it won't come to that." said Tequila, not believing her own words. Tiger scoffed from the corner of the room.

"Goodbye Tequila. I look forward to seeing you at your coronation." Thunder said, and Tequila could've sworn she saw a glimmer of pride in the ancient woman's eyes.

"Goodbye." she hoped her own eyes conveyed the message that she would do everything to make them and her mother proud.

Then they were gone. The room seemed smaller all of a sudden and a question hung in the air. Tequila now had all the power of the Moon Goddess, but would she be able to use it against her own mate?

"So, what now?" Tiger said awkwardly.

"We celebrate." Tequila said happily, but her smile did not reach her eyes.

"Not me I have a date." Tiger said sheepishly.

"Dante?" Tequila looked at her friend desperately.

"I have books that need reading." he stared down at his shoes still afraid to meet her eyes after all the time they'd spent together hidden under the palace.

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