22. The Seven Serpents

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Late in the evening on the fourth day of Tequila's disappearance, her family gathered in the deserted, dark garage of the Torrianto Hotel.

"Well I think we can all agree that we know Hadeon is behind this," Tobias addressed them.

"It was only a matter of time before he struck again," Titus shrugged.

"How lovely that our father wants to be back in our lives, him and his foul pack," said Tiger sarcastically, his cigarette cutting through the shadows on his face.

"So what's the plan," Naomi asked her mate, but it was Harley who replied.

"First we find those rats, and then we'll squash them like ants with our stilettos," she stomped one of her heeled boots into the ground for effect, sending out an echo through the garage. Only Kamryn laughed. The brothers looked at their shoes awkwardly.

"I'm sorry but that's the sort of thing Tequila would've said," Kamryn said, tears of laughter in her eyes.

"STOP SPEAKING ABOUT HER LIKE SHE'S DEAD," Tyrone's growl made the silence in the garage deafening.

"We've devised a plan and tonight we hit his main packhouse," Tariq said before his mate could argue with Tyrone.

"Yes, we decided he would most likely take her to somewhere he can keep a very close eye on her. Last time he saw her she escaped from right under his nose, so we doubt he's prepared to take that risk again," said Tobias.

"Yes but back then we had my parents on the inside, and they're not in Hadeon's close circle anymore. We have no information of what's going on in there."

"You're right Kamryn, this time it's going to be more difficult and much more dangerous," Tobias gave her a supportive smile, "I hope you're all ready."

They all nodded, several looks of wild excitement and anticipation amongst them.

"What about the King?" said Harley.

"What about him?" Tyson growled.

"Well we can't tell him that your dad is behind this, we don't have the proof to back it up. When we rescue Tequila we're going to have to say it's one of the gang's enemies that took her. We can't expose Hadeon until we are absolutely sure that he's planning something."

She looked around at them expectantly, but no one had a response. They were caught between surprise at Harley's sudden diplomacy that she had never displayed before, and frustration at the truth of her words.

"But we do know!" spat Tiger, "there's no question that he's got something planned, and we all know it won't end well for anyone."

"I'm well aware Tiger," replied Harley in a steady tone, the sort that one would speak to a toddler with, "but don't forget that Hadeon is now one of the Regents in the Crescent Council and the King has to have enough evidence to reach the moon in order to de-throne him. Every council member has to vote but they won't do it half-heartedly.

"So you're saying we need someone on the inside with influence who can convince them," added Naomi.

"I'm so in."

They hadn't seen the woman walking in through the shadows and had been too busy discussing to hear the click of her heels against the stone floor as she approached. They all looked around in different directions not able to see or hear where she was coming from.

"Surprise!" a stylish woman they had only met a few times stepped into the dim light that lit their circle, a smirk on her face.

"Okay before you say anything I was just at a meeting with that horrible man you call a father," Ermenilda drawled in her Brazilian accent, "I can safely say that he is up to something, I could see it in his eyes. I bet that idiot Dario is also involved."

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