8. You're cordially invited to...

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The room was silent.

All that could be heard was the sound of eleven hearts drumming a song of fear.

"I-it's the King," Harley repeated in shock.

Her trembling voice snapped Tequila out of her daze. She took a deep breath and walked over to Harley.

"What does he want?" she asked, keeping her voice steady.

"Here see for yourself," Naomi shoved the envelope in Tequila's hands as if it had burnt her.

She opened it to find a single sheet of crisp white paper with gold edges. Her eyes fell straight on the thick, red seal at the bottom of the page. She recognised the King's insignia immediately and felt a tug at her heart. Whether it was fear or something else, she couldn't tell.

She slowly dragged her eyes away from the symbol of two wolves howling at a crescent moon with their tails entwined, to read the contents of the letter.

To the following, Tobias and Naomi Torrianto, Titus and Harley Torrianto, Tariq Torrianto and Kamryn Rivera, Tyrone Torrianto, Tyson Torrianto, Tiger Torrianto, and Tequila Torrianto

You are cordially invited to a ball on the 1st day of the new year at the Red Moon Palace to celebrate the 28th birthday of His Royal Majesty,

King Xander Emilio Valentine

Tequila's eyes almost popped out of their sockets from surprise. She had to read the letter several times more to make sure she had read it correctly. She was starting to doubt her ability to understand English.

Tobias snatched the letter out of her fingers before she could protest and read it out loud, so everyone knew what she was freaking out about.

"We've been invited to a ball for his birthday? But why? We're rogues, he hates us. This doesn't make any sense," Tequila's ramblings were more for herself than anyone else as she tapped her index finger to her chin in her usual habit.

"I agree," Naomi nodded solemnly.

They all knew it was too good to be true that the King would invite a group of rogues simply because he was feeling friendly.

"You have to admit he has a sexy name, Xander Emilio Valentine," Athena purred in her mind.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that for the sake of my own sanity," Tequila growled back.

"I bet he looks delicious too, I mean with a name like that he has to," Athena continued.

"I feel sick," Tequila was not impressed with the feelings her wolf was displaying in her mind, "that's the King you're talking about, our sworn enemy, remember?"

"Hmm it seems to have slipped my mind, oops."

"You're unbearable."

Tequila felt her wolf roll her eyes at her in response as she shut her out.

"Tyrone did your mate do this?" Tequila was brought back to the situation at hand by Naomi's accusing tone.

"It's a possibility, Axel did say he wanted the King to meet us," Tyrone shrugged indifferently, "but I thought that would just be over dinner or something."

"So do we go? We can't exactly say no to the King," said Harley nervously.

"It's really important to Axel that the King meets us, they consider each other brothers," Tyrone said with a tone that implied there was no negotiation.

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