36. Stubborn Wolves

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Dante hurried out of Tequila's room, leaving her to stress about her meeting with his mother. He hurriedly crept through the palace and out into a secluded part of the gardens. He found Naomi, Harley, Nova, Ermenilda and Kamryn whispering conspiratorially in a corner by some particularly tall bushes.

"So we all got the same text?" Harley was saying as he approached them. He nodded apprehensively and their suspicious faces mirrored his.

"It's the fact I sent you an anonymous text to meet and tell no one and you all came," Tiger laughed as he approached them, "This could've been another attack."

"Tiger we have your number saved," Harley said condescendingly.

"Oh," he sniggered.

"Either way we got you here," Kamryn said, stepping next to Tiger and facing the confused group.

"Why are we here?" Nova said crossing her arms.

"We had to meet where we wouldn't be overheard," Tiger said casually.

"We're on a top-secret mission," Kamryn was almost bouncing, she was so excited.

"You know we have mates right?" Harley was not impressed with their games, "They will have already noticed we're gone."

"And they will have already jumped to the conclusion that we've been kidnapped," Ermenilda added.

"So be quick," Harley sighed.

"Good point," Kamryn nodded, failing to suppress her excitement, "Long story short Tequila and Xander are mates."

She paused for dramatic effect as those that didn't know gasped and her grin grew wider.

"The problem is they're both being too stupid and stubborn to accept each other, so we've made a plan to get them in the same room. We need your help because Tequila will be suspicious, but she doesn't know that you lot know so she won't suspect you. Tiger and Dante are gonna help us to crash Xander's bachelor party. This is our last chance to get them to speak to each other, the wedding is tomorrow. Any questions?"

The group were staring at her with gaping mouths as they attempted to process the words tumbling out of Kamryn's mouth. She blinked expectantly at them as she waited for one of them to recover from the shock.

"HOW DID WE NOT KNOW THIS?" Nova said in a whispered yell.

"So I was right," Ermenilda said more to herself than the group.

"Have you known this whole time?" Nova snarled.

"No, we found out when we were in Romania," Kamryn shrugged.

"It' pretty obvious, I don't know how you didn't notice," Dante said arrogantly.

"You didn't," Tiger smirked at him and Dante blushed.

"I had my suspicions," he mumbled.

"Sure," Tiger said.

"Boys focus," Kamryn snapped.

"I'm not sure we should be meddling with this," Naomi said sensibly, "They're both adults, I think they can make their own decisions. Not to mention Xander is the King and I don't fancy getting on his bad side."

"Why would we even try to get them together? We hate the King, she hates the King," Harley said with venom.

"Excuse me that's my brother you're talking about?" Nova said angrily.

"Oh come one, we're rogues, you all know we despise him," Harley rolled her eyes.

"I know he's made bad decisions but that doesn't mean he'd be a bad mate," said Nova, fiercely defending her brother.

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