30. Lost

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"Are you okay babe?" Andi asked Ramona as they hiked through a particularly steep part of the forest.

"We've been walking in circles for a week now," Ramona replied, throwing her bag on the ground and dumping herself down next to it. "We've already gone up this hill four times, how hard it is to find a f**king tomb!"

"I'm sorry Mona I thought we'd be there by now," Andi sat next to her, staring at her feet in dejection. Ramona took her hand in hers and rubbed it reassuringly with her thumb.

"Hey, don't worry we'll get there. We knew it wasn't going to be easy."

"We can turn back if you want?" Andi said, but the disappointment in her eyes was more than Ramona could bare.

"No, we keep going. I'm just exhausted," Ramona, said as she laid back and stared up at the sky.

"Tomorrow we'll spend the day resting," said Andi, munching on a sandwich.

"But your sister might already be there,"

"She can wait one more day," Andi said.

"What's the first thing you'll say to her?" Ramona asked.

"I know you don't know I even exist but I'm your twin sister and we share the same destiny?" Andi shrugged.

"Maybe just start with hi?" Ramona suggested with a mocking smile.

"Hmm good idea," Andi laughed.

"This prophecy is going to change everything isn't it," the smile faded from Ramona's face and her expression turned serious.

"Yes," Andi breathed, not wanting to face the reality, "My mother must've made the second part impossible to find for a reason."

"You think it's dangerous," said Ramona.

"I think that she was worried about it getting into the wrong hands."

"Do you think that was the reason why she hid you with the witches?"

"I always thought that someone must've found out about the prophecy, so she faked my death to protect me. But I guess I'll know the answer to all this soon. That's if we ever find the place," Andi said, jumping up and holding her hand out.

Ramona grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

"We're going to find her Andi," she said cupping her cheek, "Come on let's get going before night comes."


Far across the forest, only a day's walk behind the two she-wolves, Dante stopped abruptly and held his map up in front of him. The group behind him stopped and groaned; this was not the first time Dante had stopped and looked frantically between the map and the trees around them.

"I think I'm dying" Kamryn whined.

"Don't be so dramatic," Tequila laughed at her, "Dante please don't tell me we're lost... again."

"I thought you'd been to this tomb," Tequila jumped slightly as Xander's deep voice grumbled from behind her. He'd barely said two words since they'd got onto the plane, but she'd noticed he hadn't taken his eyes off her. He walked behind her, and he sat awake and alert next to her while she slept. And she knew it hadn't gone unnoticed by the others, she expected a full-scale interrogation from Kamryn when they got home.

"I don't know where it is." Dante said sheepishly.

"What!" Tequila growled.

"So we've been walking around aimlessly for a week?" Xander matched her growl.

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