6. Calm before the storm

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Most people would consider the siblings to be heartless monsters who toy with people's fear and rub shoulders with some of the most dangerous people on the planet. But the truth was quite different, above all the Torrianto siblings held family to the highest honour. To them, their loyalty to each other was all that mattered.

Since they had escaped from their father's clutches years ago they had stuck together like their own little pack. As Tequila sat on the sofa in their penthouse watching her siblings play with her little niece, she realised that she never wanted what they had to change. For the first time she was happy.

It was almost midnight but Quinn had an intense sugar rush and was pulling them all out of their various seats to dance with her. She managed to detach Harley from her seat in her mate's lap but alas was less successful at dragging Tariq away from his book. Tequila and Kamryn sprung up at the tiny girl's command and started dancing freely.

Tequila always admired children for their ability to ignore all the horrors of the world and simply see the happiness in things. She loved her niece for always being the one who could bring a big goofy grin to her face so easily. She didn't often smile.

"Does the music have to be so loud?" Titus complained, angry that his mate had been stolen from his clutches by a four year old.

In response to his snarkiness, Quinn jumped over to the speaker and turned the volume to full. He groaned angrily, but everyone could see the smile in his eyes.

"WHAT ON EARTH!" a familiar voice was suddenly heard above the racket.

The music was abruptly cut off and everyone spun around to see who had rudely interrupted their fun.

"Shit" Tariq glanced up from his book to see his eldest brother and his mate standing at the penthouse entrance with identical irritated looks.

"Mama!" Tequila chuckled at her niece's usual ignorance of any anger or tension.

"Who gave her sugar!" Naomi pointed a finger accusingly at each of them in turn. She was not impressed.

"Tiger are you wearing a robe?" Tobias eyed his youngest brother curiously as he wandered into the room.

"What can I say its very comfy" he shrugged as he poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"You should all be jealous, you could never pull this off" he posed and winked at them sarcastically.

"Where did you even get it from?" Tobias replied amused.

"That's not the point Tobias" Naomi told him with her hands planted angrily on her hips.

"Have you not noticed we live in a hotel? We get a robe in our bathroom." Tiger replied amused at the whole situation.

"Wait what we get free robes! No way!" Kamryn took her chance to escape Naomi's clutches and skipped out of the room happily.

"Is she serious? She's lived here for six and a half years! How has she not noticed the robes?" Tiger shook his head laughing.

"SHUT UP!" They all jumped as Naomi screamed at them all.

"I asked who gave my daughter sugar before bedtime? Which by the way was 4 hours ago!" They all looked at their feet as she stared each of them down.

"It's past midnight why is she still awake? We gave you one simple task" she looked exhausted for a moment before crossing her arms and glaring back at them angrily.

"Do none of you have anything to say for yourselves?" Tobias noticed his mate's sudden exhaustion and took the situation into his own hands.

"Sooo how was date night?" Tequila made a poor attempt to move the conversation on.

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