10. The Red Moon Ball

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After a long afternoon of getting yelled at by Kamryn because she had slept in too long, Tequila was standing impatiently outside the hotel next to two sleek black limos. Despite Kamryn having woken up the earliest and spending every second of the day getting ready, they had all been waiting for her for fifteen minutes.

After the dress fiasco of the day before, Harley had snuck out early and found four stunning dresses and she hadn't stopped saying that it was 'meant to be'.

"Kamryn hurry up we're going to be so late," Tequila yelled as she saw her wandering calmly through the lobby.

"I'm coming, I'm coming jeez, keep your hair on T," she said picking up her pace but not attempting a run in her six-inch heels. Her silvery purple mermaid shaped dress glistened in the setting sun as its short train fanned out behind her on the stairs. Tequila glanced at Tariq to see his eyes full of desire as he watched his mate approach them.

"This is going to be a long night," she scowled and slipped into the car before she ruined all of their nights from an angry outburst.

Eventually they were all settled in the limousines, and they were winding through the streets towards the edge of the city and border of trees that marked the neutral territory.


As they drove deeper and deeper into the forest towards the Red Moon territory, Tequila could feel her heart beginning to rattle loudly in her chest, as if it was trying to jump out. Tiger threw her a concerned glance and she responded with a weak smile before turning to stare at her reflection in the window.

"You really need to calm down," Athena told her calmly.

"I just have this really uneasy feeling that something's going to happen tonight," Tequila closed her eyes to focus on calming her nerves.

"I'm sure it's just nerves about going into pack territory for the first time in years," Athena reassured her.

"I really hope that's all it is."

"Oh come on T, lighten up, we're going to a ball! And at the royal palace as well! I mean you've got to admit that's pretty cool!" Tequila could almost feel Athena jumping up and down inside her with excitement.

"You're right, I should be excited," she smiled at her wolf's happiness and took a slow breath.

She'd put herself in more dangerous situations before and she'd survived, that's just what she did. She was a survivor. No man was going to make her feel small, King or not.

The solid forest that lined both sides of the road suddenly thinned as they turned a corner and were met with a set of looming golden gates.

"Invitation," demanded a guard in red and silver armour.

The driver handed over the letter they had received almost ten days ago. Tequila had spent many of those days reading and re-reading it, she hadn't believed it wasn't a trap and had searched relentlessly for any clues to prove it was. Much to her dismay her search had been unsuccessful, as far as she could tell the invitation was genuine.

-"All guests must unmask their scents," announced the guard in a very bored tone.

His demand was met with a flurry of anger and complaining. None of the rogues felt comfortable wandering into their enemy's hand with all their cards on show.

-"WHAT," Athena shrieked, "We didn't agree to this!"

-"I don't like it either, but it looks like we have no choice," they had got this far and Tequila was going to make sure they saw it through, no matter what it took.

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