12. Deny, Deny, Deny

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Tequila screamed at her reflection in her bathroom mirror.


Her wolf's white hair and blood red eyes stared back at her in fury as she punched the mirror sending splinters of glass everywhere.

Finding out the only soulmate she'd ever have was one of the people she hated most in the world was the last thing she had expected to happen the night before.

She'd prepared for everything short of outright war. But realising the man she was destined to love hated everything about her? Now that, she seemed to have forgotten.

Her face suddenly drained of colour, and she dropped her hairbrush as she looked at the part of her chest that wasn't covered by the towel. Her fingers traced the tribal like tattoo that had appeared on her chest overnight, the mark of a mate. For most wolves the marks of the mate bond appear after they had spent a considerable amount of time with their mate and for some they only appeared once they had completed the mating ceremony. But in the case of Tequila and her King, they were possibly the most powerful wolves on earth and so the mate bond was much much stronger. They hadn't even spent longer than four hours in each other's presence and yet Tequila was now staring back at a very real mark.

"I am going to kill the Moon Goddess for this shit, this must be some kind of joke to her. As if I would ever accept him as my mate."

After throwing everything around her sink onto the floor and not feeling any calmer, she marched into her closet, taking extra care to loudly slam the doors.


The King stood in his towel, droplets of water still clinging to his defined muscles, his fists clenched with fury as his thoughts raced a mile a minute. His mark twisting up the side of both his arms, across his back and up his neck. On males the placing of a mark also showed their strength and position in a pack. Lower ranking wolves only had marks on their back, whilst higher ranks like Betas and Deltas had them on their arms as well. The Alphas, however, had marks on their necks where the whole world could see them.

"Fucking rogues, they mess everything up," he sent a huge fist flying into his mirror, leaving a splintered circle where his violet eyes stared back at him.

The pull that mates feel after they first lock eyes is unlike any human experience. It is a pull that no wolf can overpower, no matter how strong they are, and many wolves wouldn't dare to try. But, unfortunately for him, the King was no ordinary wolf and he had no intention of giving into the pull of the mate bond.

"Right I have to keep this a secret, so business as usual."

He took a deep breath as his wolf howled a longing howl in the back of his mind.

"Why are you whining? You hate her as much as I do," the King sighed.

"She's still our mate, all I want is her in our arms," the wolf matched his human counterpart's sigh.

"Believe me Diego if she was anyone else, I would let you, but for now this stays between us until we can find a solution. So please just act normal because no one can know."

"Only if you promise to go on a run later."

The King nodded; grateful the conversation was over.


Tequila was seething as she stormed down the penthouse stairs. She knew perfectly well that her case was hopeless and there was nothing she could do about the mark, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try.

"No one talk to me unless you want your head ripped off," she said sternly as she marched through the kitchen where most of her family was gathered. Some of them just shrugged or stared at her blankly whilst most simply ignored her. They were used to her anger and knew very well it was always better to leave her alone.

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